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Posts posted by BinaryBad

  1. LOVE this mod. The Octosat components are beautifully designed. I fancied playing around with the A330 and S3, so downloaded them from Spacedock (The CKAN download doesn't include them) but not sure if they work in 1.1.2 yet. I can take off fine, but something goes wrong as you pick up speed and it auto-stages leaving you clamped to the A330, unable to control anything at all. (If they are compatible, any idea what I'm doing wrong? Haven't changed the craft file. (The A330 on it's own is fine)

    The Octostat parts seem fine in 1.1.2 though - apart from comments already made on this forum. 

    But it's a gorgeous mod. Definitely be watching keenly to see how it develops. Props to Nookos. This is quality stuff. 

  2. On 5/23/2016 at 9:18 AM, KillAshley said:

    I'll check out the SCANsat issue though

    I've twigged what the issue is with ScanSat. Once you've targeted a planet, it does appear in the Settings % scanned table - it's just that it doesn't list them all right away. To be honest, I think that's better, gameplay-wise than what I was expecting. I'd not consider it a problem, now I understand it. (Still loving the mod, btw. Permanent install now. Will spend hundreds of hours in it.)

  3. FInally got around to downloading this, and wow. It's amazing. The modelling and textures are superb. Going to check out all the other ones you do now.

    One odd thing, I can't get the Molniya to launch. EVerything fine, till about 2 miles out, then I lose all control. Cant control via Remote Tech, or Mechjeb, or manually. Game doesn't crash, but craft becomes complety unresponsive. Not had the problem with any other craft. Rather perplexed by it. Anyone encountered it?

  4. Update - I've found the culprit for the KSC location issue. I still had KSC Switcher mod installed. Removed that, and now the KSC is back to the peninsula that RT thought it was located at. This does explain why the KSC was in a huge quarry, and the Island Runway was down a massive pit. I thought it was intentional...

    ScanSat still not picking up the bodies though. 

  5. When I bring up the SCANsat settings menu, you get an overview of all the bodies in the system, and what % they have been scanned, but in the latest version I'm only seing Kerbin, Minmus and Jool as potential places to scan. No sign of the rest. Though they are there in the rest of game, so far. Seen this happen with Kerbol Origins too. 

    I've had a go at fixing the Remote Tech issue, but as far as I can see the mod has got the right info - but the big red blob you get in Map view with RT stubbornly shows the mission control located on the peninsula where the KSC used to be. So your theory the patch is being tripped up somewhere feels plausible. 

    But I'm having a blast with it. The mod looks absolutely incredible - particularly with Stock Visual Enchancements, Planetshine, Scatterer etc. Once we get RT playing nice, it's going to be awesome.

  6. Great to see this mod updated - easily my favourite System mod. Anyway, I'm playing with Remote Tech and it looks like RT thinks mission control is where the KSC used to be, in the previous version, but not where it actually is. This means my unmanned craft lose connection soon after takeoff. Any idea how to fix it?

    (Also, noticed ScanSat doesn't seem to detect most of the planetary bodies.)

  7. I am finding that my frame rate really drops when on the surface of the bodies I've visited so far (Minmus, Mun, Duna). Even with low part ships. I'm running KSP on 64 bit Linux, normally with 80 or so mods before hitting issues like this, but I've cleared out about 20 mods (getting rid of the bigger parts packs) and the fame rate is an issue. Anything we can do to mitigate it? (Appreciate that I should really try a complete clean install to be fair)

    But my enthusiasm for the mod is undimmed. It looks eye-wateringly gorgeous and I've had some amazing fun exploring. Will avidly track it's progress.

  8. Terrific update. Love the transparent windows. Really makes everything look amazing.

    One issue I'm having is attaching the wheels. I get the idea they are supposed to go inside the engines? I can mount them on outside ok, but I downloaded an example craft that had them (stored much more elegantly) inside. Can't seem to replicate it.

    Edit - Managed to get it working. Works really well.

  9. Eureka! I've been able to reproduce this in a completely stock+State Funding install. The Mark I Command Pod, the first Solar Panel, and the Communotron 16 antenna. Renaming that a Base breaks State Funding.

    State Funding broke for me too, after I renamed a ship like you did, so I uninstalled it, deleted the cfg file from my game save and reinstalled. However now the mod cannot create a cfg save file for some reason, so the mod acts as if I've just installed it each time the game loads, so this mod feels permanently broken for me. Real shame, as I think it's a terrific concept. Hopefully next update will work so I can run it again.

  10. Thanks for looking at this for me AlphaAsh. Although I don't think it was exactly what you thought - because each time I've done it exactly where a Kerbal has been stood, I just tried to recreate it and it's working now. And wow. Much improved. This is gonna give me HOURS of awesome. Thanks again for putting so much into it.

  11. I love this series of mods, love the possibilities they open up, but I'm having issues with Kerbal Knostructs and Kerbiside Core. I hit Ctrl+K, and the editor screen looks fine, but hitting the Spawn New button throws the camera out of whack, affecting map view and the KSC screen. Tested on both Kerbin and Minmus. Any suggestions? (I'll admit I do use a ton of mods, but I always have done with your mods and they've always worked fine.)

    Won't deny it gives you some nice effects though.


  12. Can someone out there explain me what's so special about the first version that it is downloaded this often? Was there something that worked with it and does not work anymore?

    I think it is more to do with the fact that people grabbed the mod as soon as they saw it (the Kottobos Review vid did it for me) and they won't necessarily have known about the update. You on CKAN? Imagine you'd see greater numbers update then. For me, the latest version is clearly better (apart from the wheels which you've already said you'll fix), so no reason why it shouldn't be just as popular.

    Great mod. One of the best, I'd say,

  13. Can't get the latest version to launch at all. I'm running Ubuntu, and using Mono to run the exe, but nothing happens. The terminal window reports the following -

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at CKAN.RegistryManager.AscertainDefaultRepo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at CKAN.RegistryManager.LoadOrCreate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at CKAN.RegistryManager..ctor (System.String path, CKAN.KSP ksp) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at CKAN.RegistryManager.Instance (CKAN.KSP ksp) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at CKAN.KSP.get_RegistryManager () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at CKAN.KSP.get_Registry () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at CKAN.KSP.ScanGameData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at CKAN.Main.UpdateRepo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at CKAN.Main.OnLoad (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoadInternal (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    Haven't ruled out that I'm doing something stupid, but don't know what. Previous versions ran fine. Open to suggestions.

  14. Sorry for the delay guys, I was in hospital

    Had to undergo a severe imergency lung operation last week

    they said, 2 days later I would have been dead..

    Hail medicine..

    I know LCARS is cool but to live is actually also cool (if you know what I mean)

    I'm still officially on sick leave for an other 3 weeks - I can't give you any eta right now..

    ..but at least I'm sitting at my desk right now - so it can only get better..

    thta's the news for now..


    Woah, sorry to hear that Philotical. Hope you make a speedy recovery. As you say, updating this mod (awesome though it is) has to take a back seat while you recover. Take care, dude.

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