Hi all, as the title says, i would suggest a standalone and portable VAB, meaning an executable(in a folder containing all the files needed for the VAB/SPH to work and assembly ships) that you can carry even in a usb stick and fire it up whenever you need, when you feel like building, or you're reading something that you would try to build or...well, whenever you feel like creating some craft! It should be quite an easy build, just an extraction of the VAB/SPH process in the game and some tweaks for loading only the needed files. Then you just save the craft to file and load it up when at home on your KSP folder and test for launch! I haven't seen any suggestions on the forum about something similar, but on reddit i found a thread about a web-based VAB, it got some interest so i think the portable standalone should too. From there it could be further (and further in time) expanded including some sharing tools(e.g. dropbox or similar, img hosting services). Another cool thing would be the possibility to assign the file extension to the program so you double click a ship and it loads up on the standalone VAB. Any other suggestions could be included in this top post. Thanks for reading!