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  1. Playing science mode, because I just started playing a few weeks back and I'm still getting the hang of making efficient vehicles that aren't way more expensive than they need to be. I also use Sandbox as a proving ground for building stuff with all the tech, to see what I need to research in order to do things I want to do.
  2. If it's a manned rover, either have a roll cage, or something taller than your Kerbal's head that won't break off. If the thing rolls and he bangs his head on the ground, you end up with a rag doll kerbal in the command chair that I've yet to figure out how to recover from.
  3. He's actually on the three remaining wheels and upright, but he's laying there like when you take a tumble during an EVA, and the game is acting like he's still slightly in motion even though the navball shows 0.0 m/sec. It's rather comical until you realize that he might just be dead. I'll look into the debug toolbar thing though. He's gonna have quite the hike to get back to the lander though. That thing tumbled for a few kilometers...
  4. So I've been playing this game for about two weeks, and I've successfully landed Jeb on Minmus, with a little rover to drive around. Unfortunately, because he's a dumb hick, he totally rolled it. Now he's unconscious in the external command chair and I can't figure out how to wake him up so he can get off his butt and start walking back to his lander (he broke off a wheel while pinwheeling down a slope). Is there something I'm missing, or should I just write him off as dead?
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