Ok thank you for replying, great mod by the way, I knew I forgot something my thought process includes the fact that the slug/projectile would be counted by the game as at least debris so wouldn't it follow it's path as the games physics determine much like a stage off of a rocket you take to the Mun if you turn on the debris in the tracking station even the stages that you've fired off in mid orbit are still there 40 years after you've sent the rocket back home and are sending other craft to Dres and back. So since the game would treat the projectile that way, or at least you could trick the game into thinking that way but I get it if it's a lot of work for little gain, it wouldn't unload till it makes contact and destroys itself from the impact with the ground. Now of course this idea would really work best from an orbital or ground platform. My point is if debris can stay around forever without being noticed till you push a button couldn't you use that to your advantage since the projectile will disappear after hitting the ground anyways. Short of it is if you launch an empty Mk. 1 cockpit at the ground from space it will continue on that path even outside of load range until it hit's the ground or water so why wouldn't a projectile. Also as a case in point the cruise missiles from the Lazor mod (last ones I tried anyway) were able to leave the solar system and go interstellar from KSC whether you were focused on them or not.