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Everything posted by Gerbal84

  1. Had to share my best attempt at recreating the Spaceballs Winnebago, May the Shwartz be with you!
  2. Hello everyone! Thought Id share a new mech design and video I worked very hard on! Please let me know what you think! Working on Part 2 now
  3. Nice those were really cool! I opted out of the wheels because they are so heavy and I wanted it to have more of a spaceship vibe to it . Im workin on getting here to laythe atm for more testing, Id love to see more from ppl like the post above!!
  4. Sort of new around here but Ive been playing KSP since .17, and this has been a goal of mine for as long as I can remember, and this weekend I completed it! I present my Ion Drive and Jet engine SSTO, the "Kessel Runner" Hope you enjoy the video, and let me know if you liked the ship or want the craft file!
  5. Very happy and proud of my accomplishment today, after hundreds of failures, I made a succesful Ion Drive & jet powered SSTO!
  6. Nice! Im still working away on one that can make it and land on the Mun but work keeps interrupting my KSP time!
  7. Yeah I dont see it being better ever, It just blew my mind it was possible, smaller ones are possible too, just harder (for me) to pull off. Im just hoping to see some giant Monopropellant powered ships/landers!
  8. After watching Scott Manleys latest video, it inspired me to create a working Monopropellant SSTO. I was thinking of a challenge where you build an SSTO or maybe even a huge multi stage Monopropellant only ship to land on the Mun or further out possibly? Id love to see it to get some great ideas. Here was my best effort
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