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  1. The first one's rather easy apoapsis roughly translates to... wait for the surprise... apoapsis! Oh boy, that was a hard one. The other one is "Du wirst heute nicht in den (Welt-)Raum gehen." I actually have this problem in both ways, I'm a native German speaker but am around English vocabulary in my workplace very much. I'm a computer scientist... Well, engineer would be the better term, but anyways, I develop simulation systems. So sometimes I know the exact expression in English for something but I can't think of a German counterpart that would actually say the same without saying one to three sentences. But for orbital stuff I think mostly it's the same words, Apoapsis, Periapsis, Impuls(e) and stuff like that... I think that stems from the fact that most of these words are derived from Latin or some old Greek or something like that. And when in doubt and speaking with someone who doesn't know crap about the topic just pronounce the English words like you would in your native language and impress them with that...
  2. Thanks for the welcoming! That would be German. - You know, we are born engineers and stuff. There comes the tendency to play games like KSP from.
  3. Hello KSP-Community, I just wanted to say hello to everyone and express how impressed I am by the community of this game so far. It's mostly just everybody enjoying feats of others and congratulating each other on achievements. Myself I got the game about a week ago and I'm maybe kinda a bit addicted to it? - I already sent a Kerbonaut to the Mun and even got him home again (after I had to rebuild my spaceship about a kazillion times). But damn is this game funny! Big shoutout to Scott Manley without whom I think I would still be stuck trying to reach an orbit. Oh, and one thing: I apologize beforehand for any bad English or missused figures of speech. I'm not a native speaker and am currently trying to wrap my head around the fine nuances of speaking and writing English texts.
  4. Hello, this is my first post to this forum.. Been reading for a few days now. Got this game about a week ago and yesterday I got a contract that was like "Test blabla on escape trajectory." and without further thinking I thought reaching escape trajectory is not all that hard (on my first mission to the Mun I almost accidentally slingshotted myself out of Kerbins sphere of influence)... Well, what I didn't know was that this little thing I had to test up there was a frickin' LFB KR-1x2... Well, somewhen it started to work out by just building an unrealistic spacecraft looking like this. Ah well, it was fun and a nice challenge... Now the mission to Minmun can continue!
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