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Everything posted by Bloodypony

  1. Hey Toby, I'm also having the same problem. I also get the bug on Kerbal bound rovers with the chemcam attached. This thread here steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/828936718643944476/ said there was a bug similar to the one we're having now. Had something to do with the old cleverbobcat.dll Maybe that'll give you a place to start looking? Thanks for the constant updates on this mod. It's really awesome and one of my favorite mods ever. I'd love it if one day, assuming you have time, you would consider expanding it with other space-based science experiments like these. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments_by_date.html Like slews of heavy scientific equipment that require large amounts of time, energy and Kerbals to complete with relatively low science point returns. It'd make space station building more fun. Maybe better returns when orbiting other worlds. Sorry I'm starting to drool now.
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