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Article Comments posted by jdcr

  1. I applaud this. Fixing bugs is what KSP needs most in my opinion. I started in 0.23.5 and while KSP is one of the best games I've ever played, my experience has been steadily declining ever since, as more and more bugs accumulated. From slightly annoying stuff to core functionality-affecting to complete breakdown which finally made me abandon the game altogether. I'd be very happy to return once I can play it without constantly being annoyed by stuff not working. Honestly, I wouldn't even be bothered if no new features were introduced (or even if some feature were to be removed) in exchange for fewer bugs. (But I know that's probably an unpopular view.)

    Cleaning up the bug tracker is a good first step. I've always felt that it was a valuable resource that's been unnecessarily ignored by the devs. Every single bug I've ever encountered in KSP had already been documented by other players and in most cases these reports have been kept updated over months and years whenever a new version of the game arrived. Sure, I've noticed some instances where players filed a bug wrongly because they didn't understand the game (or physics) and some bugs are more like feature requests. But that shouldn't keep you from taking advantage of the amazing work that people have been putting into this (and still are).

    I hope that the cull will make the tracker more manageable for the devs. Although I have a slight feeling that perhaps KSP just does have that many bugs. That's just my very subjective impression though. Anyway, I wish you all the best for your work!

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