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Everything posted by AerisPrime

  1. I would agree that its a MJ issue, except that MJ agrees with the thrust listed in part.cfg, but when actually on the runway (not the editor) the engines only produce half! I.e., the engine claims 120kN, mechjeb uses that to estimate from the vessel mass, a TWR of, say, 1.5, and once I click "launch" I see the engine maxing out (full throttle) at 60kN, and needless to say don't take off with .75 for TWR... So something seems to be causing the engine (all 3 of them) to put out half the thrust... Last I checked I had only MJ and the engines, no other mods. I will try testing it again though, and maybe check to see what version of Pitch Vector engines I have. Though like I said before, I'm guessing its the last one... Anyway, while I could arbitrarily double the thrusts of my engines, so they would go to normal, I am pretty sure MJ would still be screwed up, making it hard to balance mixed-engine vessels... And, while this is quite a silly reason for sure, not being able to use these epic engines (correctly anyway) has basically kept me from playing kerbal for the last month or so. Dumb reason, I know, but I really like those engines, and using them in conjunction with other engines in forward flight (out of vtol), which is a pain to compute when the engines put out 1/2 thrust in flight but MJ reports full in editor (I've been doing that since thrust limiting became a thing in the editor, so you could turn some engines off and check balance). If only I knew enough to fix it I would totally try. I Will work up the patience to test it again, and post results, maybe the problem vanished as magically as it appeared (can only hope)... PS: Can I post images (screenshots) here? Would screenshots of the problem help?
  2. After Installing KSP clean with only mechJeb and TTPitchVector Engines installed, the MechJeb thrust and actual engine thrust are still off by a factor of 2. I have a 64 bit machine, could that be an issue? I remember the engines working fine for me before an update (or two?) ago. Is anyone else having a similar issue? Perhaps I don't have the correct version of the files? (although like I said, I remember it working before) - I see TT is back, but none of the download links work, so I can't check if I have the latest version, though I am pretty sure I do, unless TT has made a newer one while away. Anyway, I am pretty sure something in the last kerbal update or two broke it for me (or maybe in one of the co-responding MJ updates)...
  3. Can someone help me figure out why the TTPitch vector engines all give half their rated thrust now? In SPH I see the same thrust for the engines (in MJ) as defined in the cfg files. But when I load a vessel, the engines output only half their rated thrust at full. So, 60kN for 120kN Pegasus, same (half of what its supposed to be) for the other engines. Does anyone know how to fix this? TT, if you see this, I am not asking for an updated version (though that would be lovely, obviously : ) but as a fellow, though much less skilled, modder, for tips on how to fix a set of parts that I love for myself. Having looked at the CFG's I think the problem is in TTPitchVector dll file, and since things seemed to work fine before .24 or maybe even .24.2, that its some recent change that broke the plugin, maybe the joystick support part (?) that resulted in engines having max thrust halved out of SPH/VAB. If I knew how, I would try to fix the plugin but I am unsure which program to even use to edit the dll - if someone could guide me though it (someone has to have fixed this, right?) I'd try... I am not sure if redistributing a fixed DLL (I am pretty sure that that's what's broken) would be a problem; earlier TT said: "All my mods include a readme file which contains the license. All of them are non-reupload, aside from one file which is specified in one of the mods which it applies. Though uploads of just cfg files alone is fine, but I wouldn't bother yourself with doing it. The user would have to know how to manually move the files to the new locations, and trust me, a lot of them can't." Well, I can, but is "just dll" the same as "just cfg"? And if a fixed dll cannot be redistributed, will someone, TT or anyone else, please help me figure out how to fix it manually? I realize that may be a lot more work than editing a cfg, but maybe others will find the instructions useful too, at least to those not loathe to move or edit a few files to get their favorite mods to work? Please?
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