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  1. I'm working on a KerbalStuff prototype just to test it out. There's no reason we have to use one or the other really, we could have both as sources and let the users pick. I will probably have something put together by Sunday as well. Also, just because there is a chance that KerbalStuff might go dark doesn't mean that it isn't a valid option necessarily.
  2. Using the KerbalStuff API (which MacTee might be integrating into KSPMA) would probably be better than using GitHub and having maintainers and the like. With KerbalStuff it is already done for us and the modders can update the mods themselves (and to a platform to which most already use for releases).
  3. Oh, yes you found the correct URL. As for the Reflector class, yes, I missed it not only with the Dropbox link but I forget to put it in every time I make a new project that uses it... My bad
  4. Yeah, I personally suggest having a script run through the mod without the hotfix and then the mod with the hotfix and then automatically generating a file indicating which files are to be updated. This file can then be sent to clients and they can just overwrite the files rather than going through all files on a client's machine. Or, alternatively, you could just package an archive of only the update files and extract the archive and have it overwrite all existing files. (apologies for double post, I'm used to MyBB post merging)
  5. Yea, I saw that thread but must have had a brain fart because for some reason I thought that the message up top linked to a tool but I guess it doesn't. Thanks!
  6. For me the Strugatsky default plane does not take off or get faster than 101m/s with NEAR installed. Everything else works fine for me but that might be worth looking into. You can try rotating using shift + W/A/S/D/Q/E or maybe turn off angle snapping, depending on what you mean. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding the right fit.
  7. I recommend using a better folder browser... I found one online that was released to public domain (I don't know the author, but it took a bit to find) that works way better and lets you type paths out: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44607898/FolderSelectDialog.cs It looks like an open file dialog except it selects folders. It's way easier to select folders with this than the default browser.
  8. KSP Mod Install 0.1.0 KSP mod installer is a tool to install mods. It's not designed for people to find new mods but rather for people that already know what mods they want to be able to quickly and efficiently install mods they want. It's main purpose is also so that when updates come out you don't have to look around for updated mods. Currently it contacts my web server for a manifest which contains mod definitions (very limited right now, PM me with mods you'd like to see there and I'll gladly add them) and then lists them so you can choose which you want. All mods should have their licenses in their root folder (GameData/ModName), if not please contact me and I will fix that. The mod also allows automatic installation of default ships with the mod (so you don't have to move manually, this is by default disabled though). Source: https://github.com/miadola/kspmods Click here to download (Requires .NET 4 Client Profile) Feel free to contribute. Known bugs: -Pressing refresh button more than once causes the list to partially duplicate Want a mod in here that's not already? PM me with a link to the mod.
  9. Yes, I agree with this. Curse is a bad main platform. Their Curse Client is a terribly coded .NET program that doesn't even uninstall correctly (it leaves a .NET updater that automatically starts with Windows and does not show in the startup and thus is hard/impossible to disable, however this isn't currently relevant as KSP isn't supported by the client).
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