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Posts posted by PatrickT

  1. I have had one other bug report involving the cupola objective, but I haven't tracked down the source of it. It seems to be the last of the state issues. I assume at some point you switched out of this vessel and back into it during the flight?

    Yes, I almost certainly did that. Now that I have implicit permission from the creator, I'll go ahead and cheat the objective done. Next stop, ejecting a class D from the solar system.

  2. Great mod - my first! I have nothing but praise! Praise, and a bug report :(.

    I had a contract to build a station with a cupola module integrated. All built, every objective ticked green apart from "put your station in orbit of Minmus". I wasn't keeping a track of the sub-objectives during the long and tortuous flight, but now that I'm at the destination, every objective is ticked green apart from "have a viewing cupola at the facility". I can move kerbals in and out of the cupola freely, it's just not triggering for some reason. I tried breaking orbit and coming back, natch. Log is empty of anything relevant or error-ey, and it's my first and only mod, installed clean 0.53a on KSP 0.24. If I launch a brand new copy of the station, the contract objectives switch over to testing the current station - no mix-n-match for me!

    Anyone else run into this?

    I guess the simple solution is to cheat the contract done in the debug interface, but it feels ... inelegant. I could always fly up a new cupola and dock it.

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