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Everything posted by Zenhon

  1. Different flight profile furnished 106x97.5 with 937dv Re-entry burned by the crater and attempted to return to ksc hit the atmosphere and pretty much immediately "fell" into a endless summersault that i ended up having activate most of the control surfaces in order to break out ended up using up the xenon on the way back to ksc only to summersault out of control right in front of the runway and drift sideways until it cratered And I think is a fitting end to my ion ssto fiddling
  2. After spending hours trying to make a non control surface ssto, I gave up and remade my ion ssto as a 5 engine and got into 71x73 orbit with 522dv left heh
  3. Yea I was just trying to avoid having to spam more solar panels to compensate for the sunlight angle loss that happens occasionally
  4. where is line for battery spam? I have 10 right now with none of them really clipped into each other but they are clipped into the airframe to keep the look sleek I don't really need most of them I guess, if I could some clarification I'll remove some and alter my launch time accordingly anything I need to change submit for the leader board?
  5. Almost replicated but I overshot apoapsis and ran out of xenon
  6. Is infiniglide always a thing with control surfaces, or is it just flapping? Been reading around and now I feel like just using them is dirty my flight profile is accel to ~50m/s off the runway then put the nose at about 23-24 degrees up and let it go occasionally dropping the nose down to correct for kerbal rotation increasing the AoA sorry, was trying for that predawn take off, also does this forum not have spoilers? :/
  7. Just found this topic, thought I'd share my SSTO Going to keep tweaking it, but as of right now it barely made it small control surfaces are both locked from the vab take off by retracting the rear gear which gives upward pitch anyone got some tips about optimal ascent path?
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