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Everything posted by Taverius

  1. That's kind of why people are doing ram/scramjet research. Unfortunately the models in KSP don't allow me to make a ramjet that will keep you up @ 19k but won't get you suborbital without switching to scramjet, but I'm still pretty happy with the stats.
  2. Taverio's Pizza and Aerospace v1.7.1 Mostly this pack will be of interest to you because it brings stock spaceplane parts (and those from a few mods) into line with the balance from B9 Aerospace, since I use the same spreadsheets to generate the numbers for both. This pack contains the stuff I add to KSP to make flying spaceplanes fun for me. Wings, jet engines, spacecraft fuselages, all of the spaceplane stuff is rebalanced the way I like it. The balance is heavily towards realism. In general this makes things a bit harder. There's also a few custom parts for things I thought were missing, as well as parts by other modders who were kind enough to let me include them. Its a big of a hodgepodge, really. This pack doesn't touch (for the most part) non-spaceplane parts. I suggest you grab the Stock Rebalance mod to get everything else nicely balanced as well. Squad is still busy adding features, so they're not too concerned with balance polish yet. And before you ask, I don't use Tweakscale because to bend it to my will is a major undertaking, and because it chokes hard on switchable fuel tanks, powered by FireSpitter or ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels. Since this mod adds switchable fuel tanks to all stock and SP+ fuselages, don't scale those parts or very strange things will happen. Rescaled and variant stock parts: Tailfin (2 sizes). AV-R8 Winglet (2 sizes). Delta-Deluxe Winglet (2 sizes). Swept Wing (5 sizes). Landing Gear (3 sizes). 0.625m (probe size) diameter Mk1 spaceplane fuselages, jet engines, intakes and nacelles. Heavier, stronger small hardpoint actually able to support an engine. Faster, heavier, far more power-hungry sort-of-balanced racing versions of the medium wheels, with torque curves based on the Tesla Roadster. 1.25m Cubic and Octo Strut. 0.625m Girders & Adapter. Additional parts: Mk2 and Mk3 alternate adapters (flat upper side rather than lower). Mk2 to 2xMk1 BiCoupler. Asymmetrical Airplane Tail fuselage part. High supersonic range ramjet engine. SR-71 style shock cone intake. UAV probe core with internal camera view, pan & zoom. 2 very small UAV/Ultralight-size jet engines. Conformal RCS tanks in 2 sizes. Lots of extra wings. A stronger, longer strut to lash it all together. Balance notes: All wings and control surfaces balanced to vary in lift/drag/mass/connection strength realistically but still be in the stock value range. All spaceplane fuselages actually given sensible, scaled values for mass/capacity/connection strengths. All jet engines given pseudo-realistic Isp and Speed curves. Its not AJE, but at least its not fairyland. All intakes tweaked to have proper drag per intake area. All rover wheels have had their speed and steering curves redone for a smoother driving experience. The motors now behave roughly like real induction motors, and are generally much better at climbing inclines. All landing gear have had their impact and connection strength values adjusted. They're still floppy, but its better than nothing. Quite a few parts with visibly wrong attach nodes have had their attach node positions tweaked. Spaceplane fuselage parts now have switchable fuel tanks, powered either by Firespitter (included) or ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels. Additional spaceplane fuselage versions that varied only in resource contents - from previous versions of TVPP, and the structural MK1 - have been hidden from the parts list and tech tree. Edits to mods: NovaPunch2's winglets have had their mass/cost/lift/drag/connections redone. They also now support FAR|NEAR. Spaceplane+'s wings have had their mass/cost/lift/drag/connections redone. Some errors in the provided FAR/NEAR files have been fixed. SP+'s fuselages have had their mass/cost/connection/capacity redone. The Fuel versions now have switchable fuel tanks powered by Firespitter (included) or ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels. The previously dry fuselage sections now have switchable FS/MFT/RF fuel tanks too. SP+ fuselages rendered redundant by the above are hidden from the parts list and tech tree. Backup your save. Install the 'Gamedata' directory for the main mod files. For the camera in the Ballshark to function you will also need to have HullCamVDS installed. It will work fine (without the cool camera) if you don't have it. Requires ModuleManager.2.4.4.dll or later (included). Ramjets are hard to use. You'll need to be going at least 1100m/s to successfully transition to ramjet propulsion, and since the Turbojets about stop going there (like the real ones) this will be hard. Don't try to use them for spaceplanes, they're designed to go real fast in-atmosphere. Spaceplane fuselages now have the correct capacities for their volume (adjusted for greater inert fraction to account for the much greater impact and connection strength values). If you try to build planes stock-style just using fuel sections everywhere, you're going to have a hard time getting off the ground. You don't need nearly as many fuel tanks - you can get around the world in on a single Mk2 fuel tank if you design right, so use the structural sections. They're there for a reason. Downloads KerbalStuff Curseforge Bitbucket Please report bugs on the Issue Tracker - v1.7.1 Changed the way node adjustments are done on rescaled parts, for better compatibility with Ven's Stock Parts Revamp. - v1.7 The stock drag model is now unsupported. While parts will balanced, FAR|NEAR are now considered a dependency. Update ModuleManager to v2.4.4. Recompile KineTechAnimation with KSP v0.24.2. Cost fixes everywhere. Redone mass/capacity for fuselages. Fixed numerous errors in NTBI .cfg. Clean up MM code, detect NEAR where appropriate. Add FireSpitter git a99fc36c. Use FSfuelSwitch in fuselages. KSP-AVC support. Replace basic prop script with FireSpitter alternative. Customized ModularFuelTanks|RealFuels support. Deprecate and hide extra fuel-type specific spaceplane fuselages. Tweak turbojet velocity curve. Increase gimbal range on turbofan and turbojet. Fix drag on Radial/Nacelle body. Remove custom RAPIER curves introduced in v1.6.2 - the ones in FAR|NEAR are similar enough. Moved MKx adapters to propulsion category. Updated DA BallShark plugin. Add ModuleManager patch to bring Spaceplane+ in line with TVPP and B9. Add FSwheelAlignment to stock wheels. Add Deadly Reentry support. Add CrossFeedEnabler support to TVPP conformal tanks. Redone torque and steering curves, resource usage on all stock wheels. Set mass of landing gear to 0 since its hard-coded to physics-less. DA TJ100 now only works when model is visually deployed. - v1.6.4 Fix NTBI short 1m CtrlSurf Part.name - v1.6.3 Fix MM Operators for NTBI SW1 and NP2 winglets. - v1.6.2 New RAPIER curves. Mk2 node sizes back 1. Fix broken floatCurve replaces. Support MM patches changing ModuleEngines to ModuleEnginesFX. - v1.6.1 Update ModuleManager to 2.1.5. Split MM files to make it easier to remove extra parts. Use ctrlSurfFrac to inform FAR about the moving % of control surfaces. Compatibility with Stock Rebalance mod. Integrate a few tweaks from Stock Rebalance for compatibility. Fix extra stock parts with replaced mesh missing MODEL.scale. Fix missing node definition on Mk3 Adapter Alternate. - v1.6 Update for 0.23.5 changes. Move everything possible into the ModuleManager Patch files. Minor fixes. RW Improved trusses integrated into main mod. NovaPunch winglet support integrated with ModuleManager. - v1.5.1 Update small versions of stock jets to use the proper heat animations. Fix for stock engine nacelle doing 3x as much drag as it should for its intake size. Update small engine nacelle using new base area values. Update alternator values on engines as appropriate. Hook in R&D. TurboJet moved to Supersonic, cost/entry cost decreased. Decrease cost for Mk2/Mk3 adapters as these don't have fuel here. [*]New wing data based on 3 decimal point precision measurements of mesh vertexes. FAR already has these measurements, FAR data for stock wings removed. Override FAR's thrust levels for jets, if present. Convert remaining .png textures to .tga for faster loading and proper MipMap generation. Remove TT's mods from Extra, I don't use them any more. Remove KSPX fixes from Extra, they are now in the base mod v0.2.4. Add RW Improved Trusses to Extra and hook it into R&D. Redo Novapunch winglet rebalance as a ModuleManager file, with new vertex-based measurements of the wings. - v1.5 Use ModuleManager to overwite stock configs. Optimize compression on a few .png textures. Use better formula for unitScalar/maxIntakeSpeed for off-mass intakes. - 1.4.1 Fix node on small AirScoop. Update Extras. - v1.4 Add content from DA-TV UAV Pack Ballshark UAV core. Bonusjet and Tiny Jet engines. [*]Add Tapered Wings. [*]Redo all wing values from new formulas. [*]Animate Cone Intake with KTechAnimation plugin. - v1.3.5 Update to 0.20 file structure. Add structural Mk2/Mk3 fuselages. Update Heavy strut to new .mu model. Tweak Mk3 fuselage node positions by a few cm. Fix some missed node sizes on a couple of 0.625m parts. - v1.3.4 New thrust/mass/isp values for turbofans, from a new formula. Adjusted spin times on jets to be faster. Small fix to FAR values for stock control surfaces. unitScalar drag fix for small ram-air intake. - v1.3.3 Merge stock and FAR configs. Add some more NTBI variations. 12x8 with straight trailing edge. 9x6 both types. 5x4 tailfin. 3x1.5 and 3x3 rectangular. 2m large flap. 0.5m & 1m small flap. [*]Rename NTBI directories for better sorting. [*]Mk1/2/3 connection strength increased. [*]Normalize intake drag per unit area. - v1.3.2 Tweak volume and inert mass for Mk2 and Mk3. Increase connection strenghts for Mk1. Various node size tweaks as FAR uses these for exposed node drag. Add relatively balanced turbo rover wheel. Minor bug fixes in wings. - v1.3.1 Fixed visual fx event triggers for Ramjets NTBI Airplane Style Wing Parts now included in the main package. Case fixes for linux. - v1.3 Major rebalance pass on pretty much everything. Added two conformal RCS tanks. Redid some of the models. More attach node tweaks. Normalized attach rules on stock winglets. - v1.2.3 Mk2 Fuselage - Rocket Fuel pointed to wrong model. - v1.2.2 Fix part name for small fuselage empennage. Fix calculation error for larger swept wing mass. Adjust Turbofan, Ramjet Isp on the basis of relative TSFC from turbojet. - v1.2.1 Fix typo in spinup value for turbofans. - v1.2 Second balance pass on air-breathing engines. Many name and description and attachment node tweaks. Second balance pass on Mk2/Mk3 fuselage sections capacity/weight. Tailfin: large size rescale factor error fixed. Avionic nosecone: Tweak attach node and rescale factor for looks. AV-R8 Winglet: add medium and large sizes added, rename default to small. Delta-Deluxe Winglet: medium size added, rename default to small. Add Empennage Fuselage Section, S and M. - v1.1 Add shock cone intakes. Add ramjet engines. Rename Basic Jet to Turbofan. Rebalance Turbofan, Turbojet, Ramjet with data from NASA EngineSim. Fix visual FX on small turbofan. Fix visual and sound FX on small turbojet. Add JellyCube's Mk2 BiCoupler, converted to .mu with specular and normal. Tweak Mk2/3 fuselage attach nodes. Add retextured rocket fuel Mk2/Mk3 fuselage. Convert rkman's alternative spaceplane adapters to .mu and add specular and normal. Make landing gear lighter. - v1.0 Initial release. Consolidated v0.16-era packages. v0.18 compatible. Updated gear, inlet, engine models. Redone fuselage dry weight and fuel capacities Update all relevant parts to new .cfg syntax. Reset engine stats to stock, double Basic Jet impulse. [*]Add half-size Mk1 fuselage. [*]Add half-size tail. [*]Add double-size tailfin. [*]Add half-size air scoop inlet. [*]Add alternate spaceplane adapters by rkman. [*]Add Heavy novapunch strut by Tiberion. [*]Add example crafts. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License. Alternative spaceplane adapters remodel by rkman, originally by C7, used with permission: Forums Heavy Strut from Novapunch, edit by Tiberion, originally by HarvesteR, used with permission: Forums Mk2 BiCoupler by JellyGoggles, based on work by C7, used with permission: Forums NTBI Airplane Style Wing Parts, by ac14, used with permission: Spaceport Ballshark, Bonusjet and Tinyjet by DYJ, used with permission. All other models by Squad.
  3. General pitch/-mark-holding system flutter, with altitude lock or on. Very short period, which varies depending on the flexibility of the aircraft. Triggered by going over certain speeds in the heavy stuff I generally fly: ~100m/s at sea level, ~200m/s @5km. Haven\'t been able to make it occur above ~6.5k, probably the required speeds are too high.
  4. Just a note that currently the origin point of the cameras is in the aircraft cockpits, right now they\'re inside the cockpit and behind the nosecone
  5. Ideally the bigtrak would have crew space but not be a pod, like the rescue pods in the mods section. Damnyoujapan tried it, and you can still drive a cart if you stick on of those on top of one and get some kerbals in. Then the 3-bubble things of the Cuttlefish would be the actual pod, with a hatch that protudes above the plate that holds the bigtrak. Land the cuttlefish, EVA your kerbals into the bigtrak, drive around, park bigtrak by cuttlefish, EVA back in, rocket home.
  6. Can you do the same with the Mk.3 cockpit? I have a pilot in need of a rescue.
  7. The Odin will be one sleek 3m lander :3 P.S. I\'ve been using the black strut already, it needs to have a longer max distance nao
  8. A little wing copying and .cfg editing later - thank you Harv for the per-cfg item scaling! - I got this: Notice the difference between set altitude and actual :3 Its not all fun and games - low altitude (<6km) at speeds over 100m/s is a violent up/down overcorrection flutter, but still, pretty awesome 8)
  9. Try the NP_HeavyLauncher and tell me its not wobbly - its so wobbly MeachJeb can\'t make a gravity turn because its too busy compensating for slow wobble. As to your rocket, the 3m tank is attached to the wrong node on the decoupler, there\'s one lower down. This is an example, although I\'m using 1.75m and 2m parts:
  10. No worries bro, every mod is in the same water, we\'ll wait till we know what\'s what
  11. Something wrong with how you\'re reading the temperature: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14389.0 As for the weirdness, that\'s because while the temperature changes follow earth\'s pretty closely, the pressure changes follow a very simple system ... well, read that thread, there\'s SCIENCE in it!
  12. Then leave the altitude stuff alone for a while and work on something else
  13. You\'re going about it wrong Its unnecessary to have a separate routine that computes a perfect ascent curve, and an another one that follows it. Once the PIDs that keep altitude are being properly tuned/weighted for atmospheric density and craft mass, that will comes of its own. Not to mention that the best climb rate for an aircraft is at a constant AoA Since once you arrive at target altitude you\'ll have to be constantly adjusting to stay there, don\'t make getting there too complicated. Chase the altitude, try to get there, and if the user input too high a number, well, its a user error, and the plane will eventually achieve equilibrium at a lower altitude. This altitude may be = 0. There may not be enough thrust to climb at the maximum pitch set by the user! Its ok for the plane to crash in this case! Free your mind of the thought of algorithmically arriving at a number that will solver your problems - flight doesn\'t work that way except in the most naive of models. FREE YOUR MIND NEO ???
  14. You don\'t need to. You know the weight of the craft, the speed of the craft, air density, velocities, accelerations, and the various angles. You don\'t need anything else, unless you\'re trying to work out the aforementioned ideal pitch angle. Real aircraft APs don\'t know, because you\'d need to run CFD simulations in real time to do so
  15. Because its so hard they don\'t even do it for latest-generation airliners, as I keep telling you - they don\'t put numbers into a formula and get out a pitch number, as that would be pointless since you still need to adjust up/down to chase altitude as weight/speed etc changes, so instead they just flat out chase altitude in the first place A pitch number coming out of a formula will always have a delay, both from the data coming into the formula, and from control adjustments and inertia delaying changes to pitch, and thus altitude would drift according to the tendency of the aircraft to rise or fall in altitude as weight and weight balance and speed changes as the flight progresses. You saw this behaviour in the alpha you gave me. In order to prevent the drift, you have to look at your altitude, your current altitude, your vertical speed and vertical acceleration and chase the target altitude, and adjust continuously to keep yourself at the desired altitude. Since the altitude tends to drift continuously and your changes have a delay, you are never at the ideal pitch angle. To some degree, you are always under-correcting, and your best hope is to be able to keep the dirft - which will be up or down depending on the aircrafts natural drift over time - inside a useful number. Adjusting how fast and hard you react with the weight of the aircraft, as well as altitude and speed, allows you to keep this relatively constant over the flight envelope. Now, in an ideal world with 0 control delay, no inertia and unchanging aircraft weight, once you\'ve achieved perfectly level flight and a perfectly unchanging speed, a pitch number coming out a formula would be of use, but logically, since you had to achieve level flight in the first place for a pitch number from a formula to give you leveled flight, you have already arrived at the right pitch angle, and so that makes it pointless It was an impressive effort, but since you need so so much of a chasing autopilot in order to stay at the desired altitude, there\'s little point to it, and a lot of extra complexity, as you\'ve noticed. Its also not very robust, as changes to the drag, thrust, lift models in the base game or mods to the above would break it horribly.
  16. A while ago I made some dock icons on my DA account using Riess\' art, as well as a logo by matty406: I use the one with matty\'s logo myself
  17. Put the intake power to 0 on the ram/scramjets like the real thing - they have no moving parts, they have no thrust at 0 airspeed!
  18. Wikipedia to the rescue! With formulas! Essentially the shortest way around a sphere(oid) is not a straight line on a cartesian-ordinate representation thereof, but a straight line on its gnomonic represntation, ie a circle with its center at the sphere\'s center, its diameter, and passing by the start and end point of your path ... which is why once they\'re over the ocean, they look like this: Ocean-going ships do the same thing, as a straight line pointlessly wastes fuel. As you can see the ideal great circle route has a constantly changing heading ...
  19. I\'d love to be able to fly a great circle towards a land target rather than an inefficient straight line
  20. I just realized the K2-X 1m engine doesn\'t have a smoke trail ... since all the other engines, even with a lot less power, I guess you must have typoed when you put in the new fx Oh, and another one for the list, the GG-M4 engine has no ... nice-looking attachment point in the 1m decouplers. The short decoupler is simply too short, and the medium one sits like a third into whatever you\'ve got the engine mounted into.
  21. Its a little much, this will get a Thor Heavy lander to Minmus with fuel to spare to change your Minmus orbit inclination by 90 degrees:
  22. Just use one of the surface-attach ones. Look behind the Mk.2 Cockpit here:
  23. A simple simulation of ground effect, so we can ekranoplanes, would be awesome
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