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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi guys, This isnt really a request for help, more just to let people know of a strange bug (i used alt f12 ). I was returning from duna, rescue mission as always, and I was trying to intercept Kerbin from an orbit around the Sun. I ran out of fuel (naturally) and decided to bung on infinite fuel as i was already annoyed that my initial mission had failed. I switched to map view and suddenly I was on an escape trajectory from the Sun, and I had magically teleported above Dunas orbit. Everything is correct except the velocity. The space center says my orbit is "On escape Trajectory Out of Sun", out of map view I am in the correct place. I have a few questions ... 1. WHY? 2. I don't believe my orbital speed is fast enough to follow this trajectory... 3. Why did I teleport above Dunas orbit? Just curious, might just been a new, rare kraken. Cheers in advance.
  2. Alright then, cheers Rune. I need to get used to the forum
  3. Hi Guys, This post is asking you people to share your best lifter/s (what is it called?) that are most efficient (or not) which are not huge 10 stage crafts. All in all I want it to be a place to share lifters (what is it called:confused:) for people to copy or gain ideas from and for people to share their crafts they are proud of. This post is not making sense as i do not know the proper name for them (lifters) and will edit this post when someone tells me what they are called. Happy Sharing and ripping into the confusing sentences. Please tell me how to fix it, my mind is not working currently.
  4. Alright, cheers for the help guys, especially Taki117 for the clarification about weight distribution. Ill just have to cut the flow to certain containers.
  5. Hi guys, I can't seem to find anything around this subject in KSP or on the internet about it either. Whenever I use RCS or anything involving electricity KSP uses all of my batteries/ RCS fuel canisters at once, with no added improvement. For example a rover, it will have 4 batteries at 100 power, i run the wheels for a bit and they are ALL at 95 power. They all diminish at the same rate. The only way i can stop this is to cut off the supply from the the battery/RCS fuel until there is only one battery/RCS fuel left to supply. I say this because lets say I have a limited amount of RCS for a mission and it uses all of it up in the launch... Anyway, I want to know if there is a quick way to stop KSP using all the energy/fuel at the same time that does not involve right clicking and cutting the flow. Whether it be action groups or what? Cheers in advance.
  6. Thanks all for the help and especially Claw. I'm probably going to have to terminate them, i will try the ladder/cockpit idea and the editing save file is probably quite easy, I have done it before but i'm gonna leave that to the professionals today . Anyway, the KSP forum is as kind and as helpful as always.
  7. HI all, Since the new update of 0.24 and 0.24.2 I cannot control, in any way, my kerbals on the mun. Before the update they were on a crappy rover and were IN couple of command seats. After the update I go back to controlling them but they seem to have warped out of the seats and are standing where the rover initially was (the rover rolled down the hill). After mashing the keyboard to make them respond in any way and smashing into them with another kerbal and the rover nothing happens except they do fall over, have the rag doll effect and get back up. I have tried switching to other vehicles nearby and reloading a save is not an option. Any ideas for how to get them working again? These Kerbals are important, Bill and Jeb...
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