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  1. yes..that was it, i thought the other yellow things meant that was the base, i didn't see the arrow showing the right way. Thx so much for the quick rely and solution
  2. so..i did a few tests and the first thing i should mention is that at first they look ok, when you lunch the craft etc, it's only after i deploy them and i return to the space center then return back to the ship THEN they get bugged. Also if i retract them and go to the space center and then return to the sip they will return to normal. Also i did the Module Manager patch when i installed the mod Here is an example i did with a new "ship" At the lauchpad...everything is ok deploying the hinge and Extendatron and this is after i returned to space center and than back to the ship..and again..if i retracted these and gone back to the sc and then back to the ship..it would of looked like the first picture the weird thing is...ive tried those parts in other configurations and they seemed to work...like this arm for example
  3. hello there! first of all i wanted to say thanks for the great mod! now that that is out of the way i have a problem i can't seem to fix, the img should be self-explanatory That should of been an extendatron basic with a docking clamp on top and a hinge on the bottom, but i seem to messed something up and it looks like this when i load the station I'm sure i screwed something up, but after reading through the forum i can't figure it out so i'm asking as a last resort....can anyone shed some light on my situation ?
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