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Posts posted by PsY4

  1. 10 hours ago, blackrack said:

    More details? possible video report?

    Hey ! Sure, here is the video of what happens

    And some more details

    - It also happens on the Space Center view
    - It also happens on pause menu
    - It does not happens on fresh savegame
    - If i delete some ships in orbit (even on other moons/planets) it's less visible
    - It does not happens anymore if i delete all other ships

    - It happens on all video engines (stock, dx11, glcore...)

    And finaly the log file : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m-MeND8KjsFgG4V1LOl_V1xgn6xlomUD/view?usp=sharing

    Hope you can see what's wrong, 'cause for me it's the only problem i have with your addon.

    Keep the good work !

  2. Hi everybody !

    i'm facing an issue with ocean using scatterer : the ocean surface is randomly rotating around the camera vertical axis ! It even happens when game is paused !

    This weird behaviour disapears if i delete all other vessels in orbit and other planets, and does not happen on a brand new savegame...

    Anyone gets this issue and has a way to fix it ?

  3. VuMeter : A simple way to view available amount of resources

    - Almost at alpha point - Download pre-alpha version here -

    Description :

    VuMeter is a pack of parts dedicated to display resource availability on a vessel.

    Parts :

    • VU-1 Single line vu-meter : It's a simple small LED bargraph vu-meter with 12 segments, showing the current level of a chosen resource.
    • GA-1 Simple gauge : Simple analog gauge showing the current level of a chosen resource.

    Clues :

    • Radialy atachable
    • Choose any of 43 resources to monitor (Stock + TAC Life Support + MKS/OKS)
    • Change the displayed resource in flight.
    • Uses KSPAPIExtensions to allow resource selection (included in download)
    • Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    Resources available :

    • ElectricCharge, LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, IntakeAir, MonoPropellant, SolidFuel, XenonGas
    • Oxygen, Water, Food, Waste, WasteWater, CarbonDioxide
    • PatchKits, RepairKits, ReplacementParts, Recyclables
    • Compost, BioMass, Water, Minerals, Ore, Substrate
    • RareMetals, ExoticMinerals, Metal, Chemicals, Polymers
    • BasicMachinery, AdvMachinery, SpecMachinery
    • PlasticParts, ElectronicParts, MechanicalParts
    • Robotics, Computers, ModularParts
    • MEP-Laboratory, MEP-Manufacturing, MEP-Refining, MEP-Computing, MEP-Environmental, MEP-Mining
    • [Just ask for any resource you'd like to see here !]

    Screenshots :

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    Changelog :

    • v0.1 - Initial VuMeter
    • v0.1.5 - Added TweakScale support
    • v0.2 - Added GaugeMeter. Added "Full vessel" or "Attached part" right-click modes.

    Plans :

    • Inverted mode to show empty space instead of filled space
    • Different visualization types on each part
    • Other forms (analogic, screens, 7-Seg)
    • Other values to display (speeds, angles, vectors, navball)
    • To keep parts count low, i'll release some parts able to display multiple values at once, and even full dashboards

    My goal is to make a full pack of visualization widgets to play EVA without hud... so that the external command seat could have a dashboard !

    I'll keep this thread informed !

  4. Hi RoverDude, great addon you have here !

    I had to try it, and it worked great at first but now i have a weird problem :

    - First i sent the Jaw, attached it to the surface like a claw, and started jawing the rock, all was good... nice dust effect, and rock flowing....

    - Now i'm back with a second rocket. This one has two legs : first leg has another jaw and a karbonite extraction module, and the second leg has a karbonite fuel hatch

    This second rocket don't want to connect to asteroid, whatever leg i arm it just get 'sucked' a bit when on surface (like a docking port) but don't connect, and after some seconds, it gets pushed away...

    While the operation, the log is flooded with :

    [LOG 16:10:24.991] [Grapple Module] Grabbing on to Big Daddy - Ast. LGE-137 on Asteroid City - 1

    [EXC 16:10:24.994] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    "Big Daddy - Ast. LGE-137" is the name of the asteroid

    "Asteroid City - 1" is the name of the first rocket that docked correctly

    "Asteroid City - 2" is the name of this second vessel that's trying to dock

    Here is the two VESSEL parts from the quicksave i make just when the docking is trying : http://pastebin.com/WkzsvKrz

    At line 6371, there is a weird grappling flood...

    I really hope to be able to add the second jaw and the hatch.

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