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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I just realized also, that each purchase that I make costs me reputations, as per the contract, so repeating this action to get lots of money will eventually make my space program look like some kind of government scam. Hmm...
  2. Thanks Velve, that's good to to know. Yeah, I just posted this in here so the dev's would have a heads up about it for a future release, thanks for the tip. I didn't know about that mod. My accounting department set up a little Christmas fireworks show out front of KSP with the extra cash, so no worries.
  3. Hi folks, This isn't a bug as much as a little oversight that allows cheating from the last update that included the administration building. Kudos on the last release, by the way. I've started a Hard Career mode game, and having coordinated an Aggressive Negotiating Strategy with Gus Kerman in the administration building, I am now enjoying an 8.5% discount on my launch costs. I was recently test firing and recovering a prototype interstellar transfer craft, making some tweaks, and I noticed that I'd gained a little cash from all this experimentation. It seems when recovering the parts from the launch pad, I am receiving the original value of the parts, instead of the discounted launch value. Seems like a win/win for my accounting department, but I'm sure you'll want to address this in a future update. I'd guess Rockomax will go out of business if they keep giving me more money for parts than I paid for them. Nice work. Love the game. Scott
  4. I only play career mode, as I've done about everything in sandbox mode. I am currently trying my hand on Hard mode, although the beginning can be a little bit rough. I am concerned how this is going to play out with no reload and perma-death. I am triple checking every stage during builds now, but when it gets to the more involved launches I'm not sure how I'll make out. NASA has a bunch of number crunching scientists. I only have a calculator and a rudimentary understanding of Delta-V and physics.
  5. You know, in reality, runways are actually pretty susceptible to damage. I actually tore a hole about 5 feet across once upon takeoff from an asphalt runway in a heavily loaded 747. The engine thrust downward during rotation caused the damage. In addition, many Air Force bases won't allow Harrier VTOL jets to land vertically on their runways, especially if they're asphalt. Concrete runways hold up better, although they're not invulnerable. They're also more expensive and time consuming to repair. With this in mind, I'm not surprised they collapse in KSP when a rocket lands on them vertically or a heavy craft hits hard.
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