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    Curious George
  1. I love the mod, thanks for pointing me to it from another post DMagic. A couple suggestions you might consider adding eventually: 1.) A way to select individual contracts to be shown in a separate window or something for the contracts you plan to be doing just for that flight. This way you don't have to mentally filter through the other contracts you don't care about for that flight. When a contract is completed, it should automatically be removed from this extra window so it's not taking up visibility space. 2.) For the main window, an indicator of some sort to show which contracts overlap for altitude and again for speed requirements. Also, a way to sort them in ascending altitude order so you can easily see which contracts will be first as you fly. 3.) Possibly change the color of font for the requirements. Example: Red for not close to objective, yellow for approaching objective, and green for objective met (just like it already does). This way you would have a way to be alerted when you are close to needing to activate the part. Hopefully these are helpful ideas. I was going to build my own mod and try to implement these, but I found I don't have the time right now (or patience).
  2. I too would like to see something like this, that is why I'm trying my hand at making a mod for it. I've only begun, but hope to have something available before too long. However, I won't be sad if someone else beats me to it.
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