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    Curious George
  1. Awesomeness. The auto-generate program, is it only something you can use to create the list, or is it something in the interface for users?
  2. I have two suggestions, the former being much easier than the latter, and a question: 1) Restrict it to do only multiples of 2 and 3 (i.e., 2,3,4,6,8,9,12,16, etc.) so they can be put on in symmetry mode, because something like this would be very difficult to build: [TABLE=class: panel-table table] [TR] [TH=class: stage]Stage[/TH] [TH=class: parts]Part[/TH] [TH=class: stageMultiplier]x[/TH] [TH=class: cost]Cost[/TH] [TH=class: mass]Mass (t)[/TH] [TH=class: deltaV]Delta-V (m/s)[/TH] [TH=class: twr]TWR[/TH] [TH=class: time]Time (s)[/TH] [/TR] [TR=class: ng-scope] [TD=class: stage] 0[/TD] [TD=class: parts partList] Payload: 30t [/TD] [TD=class: stageMultiplier][/TD] [TD=class: cost ng-binding]0 / 0[/TD] [TD=class: mass ng-binding]30.000 / 30.000[/TD] [TD=class: deltaV ng-binding]0 / 10078[/TD] [TD=class: twr ng-binding]0.00[/TD] [TD=class: time ng-binding]0.0 / 483.6[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: ng-scope] [TD=class: stage] 1[/TD] [TD=class: parts partList] TR-38-D Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine [/TD] [TD=class: stageMultiplier][/TD] [TD=class: cost ng-binding]51450 / 51450[/TD] [TD=class: mass ng-binding]109.800 / 139.800[/TD] [TD=class: deltaV ng-binding]3852 / 10078[/TD] [TD=class: twr ng-binding]1.82[/TD] [TD=class: time ng-binding]134.3 / 483.6[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: ng-scope] [TD=class: stage] 2[/TD] [TD=class: parts partList] TR-38-D Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster [/TD] [TD=class: stageMultiplier][/TD] [TD=class: cost ng-binding]55800 / 107250[/TD] [TD=class: mass ng-binding]92.550 / 232.350[/TD] [TD=class: deltaV ng-binding]1311 / 6226[/TD] [TD=class: twr ng-binding]1.40[/TD] [TD=class: time ng-binding]79.5 / 349.2[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: ng-scope] [TD=class: stage] 3[/TD] [TD=class: parts partList] TT-38K Radial Decoupler S1 SRB-KD25k [/TD] [TD=class: stageMultiplier]x7[/TD] [TD=class: cost ng-binding]16800 / 124050[/TD] [TD=class: mass ng-binding]152.425 / 384.775[/TD] [TD=class: deltaV ng-binding]1024 / 4915[/TD] [TD=class: twr ng-binding]1.21[/TD] [TD=class: time ng-binding]70.8 / 269.7[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: ng-scope] [TD=class: stage] 4[/TD] [TD=class: parts partList] TT-38K Radial Decoupler Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank x2 S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster [/TD] [TD=class: stageMultiplier]x7[/TD] [TD=class: cost ng-binding]651000 / 775050[/TD] [TD=class: mass ng-binding]1503.425 / 1888.200[/TD] [TD=class: deltaV ng-binding]3891 / 3891[/TD] [TD=class: twr ng-binding]1.21[/TD] [TD=class: time ng-binding]198.9 / 198.9[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] (no spoiler tags makes me unhappy about all that space) I'm new to this game and the terminology, is the "x7" in the above is what the "Maximum # of Stacks" setting refers to, or does it refer to maximum amount of stages that can linked via a stack decoupler, or the maximum number of fuel tanks that can be stacked on top of their engine? 2) Scan the user's gamedata folder for the parts said user has installed to make the part list, as opposed to or in addition to maintaining the stock (and KW) part list you have now. I'm not even certain this is feasible, as I don't know if your program is capable of reading local files in the first place. It might be easier to just add the parts from all the various mods like OKS, KAS, FireSpitter, and etc. EDIT: Make that three suggestions: Add an option to check/uncheck parts based on the tech. tree. (So, for example, unchecking all the items in "Heavy Rocketry" instead of having to uncheck "Skipper", "Poodle", etc., individually.)
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