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  1. Hello, 

    Great work since 2013/2014.


    have a question: 

    i´m running a lcd and want to switch basic-"banks" or "pages" of the parameters   -> hardware switch and get another indicators in LCD

    therefore i have a "page 1" void after the looping section in the main ide-tab -> it is called in the "indicators" void (utilities tab).  

    how can i switch in an second "void/page" ? or where can i put the voids and call them if/else/case? (like in the video -> rotary encoder-switch)

    i read in the thread, the LCD-outputs have to set in the input-tab under the case if/switch, what the "indicators" already does?


    PS: it worked once fine with the debug tool, but in KSP didn´t (on hardware). There i realized an 2 seconds lag/timing-problem of the arduino. I don´ t remember the jump-points of the if/else calls, because i deleted the lines. 






    arduino uno classic, COM2

    leds/switches for SAS RCS, warnings

    lcd 20x4  i2c


    KSP 1.1.3  x64

    electric/ coder skills: basics. (one step behind copy/paste).


    PS: SerialIO 0.18.3 does not work on 1.1.3 ?

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    2. sec3



      i´m usin´ the  NewLiquidcrystal1.2 or somewhat. esp. for better I2C usage. 

      You mean, i just print first a "............" and then the digits again ?  that surely increases the refresh time...??? 

      such easy solution...

      Problem all in all is the alignment of the numbers-length. If a 3digit gets to a 2 then the last remains. If i put a " " on the digits it could be,  it makes a "linefeed" in the next row. :-(
      i heard about the probs of lcd.clear. I don´t understand why the WS2812 FastLED cycle the loopvoid with "lightspeed" and the LCD is getting flickering-problems. 









    3. zitronen


      no need to print blanks, just print the new number directly over the old ones. you can use dtostrf() to format your string so numbers always align: http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/arduino-float-vars

    4. sec3


      I´ll try... thanx.

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