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    Kerbal Accelerator
  1. A lot of technology we have in our homes, even in our hospitals, has been derived from weapons/defence research. However, I do think that if/when we have world peace then research will still be well driven. It may even accelerate as less resources are diverted for such things as maintaining large military forces and constant nuclear readiness, and lets not forget the insane amount of investment currently being thrown at "cyber warfare" and the erosion of civil liberties in the name of security.
  2. Posting one of my imgur albums using the new [noparse] [/noparse] tags. This is quite an old album with some very old mods that I no longer have/use.[imgur]Yna7u">Javascript is disabled. View full album
  3. The 'Ships' folder is named 'Ship' in the zip. Also, this is the first time I've installed mods on 0.2X, do the craft files/Ships folder go in the mod's sub directory or the 'Ships' folder in KSP_Win root ?
  4. *When is 0.16 coming out ? I\'ll be downloading 0.15 asap, I can\'t wait to test the many new features. Thank you Squad. *That comment is mean\'t to be satirical, born out of the hysteria surrounding release schedules. :stirpot:
  5. Yeah I have the latest update and I\'ve been running at 1x warp at around 12km. I really want a high resolution/detailed scan but I\'m unsure of how high I can go before losing too much detail.
  6. I left my game running for around 4 hours last night and only got a limited results. The images below show a generated map and my orbital information. I think my satellite may of gone over ground it had already scanned a few times. I was wondering what the optimal orbit inclination would be ? .CSV attached also. Here\'s some results and info:
  7. Ok great, I\'l increase my altitude a little too. Thanks guys
  8. Oh wow, I\'ve just spent the past hour or so in a 3.6-4.0km polar orbit. I\'ve read most of this thread but I\'m still unsure of something. What happens to the data file if you quit KSP and reload your game, does it pick up where you left of or start over ?
  9. I just down loaded this plug-in today and I have to say it\'s fantastic. I\'ve got a survey satellite in low orbit around the moon as I post this. I\'ll upload a .csv later, but for now here\'s some screens of the survey mission.
  10. Hmm I seem to have forgotten how to make a Station, a command-able vehicle instead of a debris object. I\'m sure I was able to do this a few builds back ? Awesome update btw, thank you.
  11. Thanks for all the tips guys. I\'ve ran most of the steps in the link given by hpearson, I ran \'HijackThis\' but I\'ve no idea what all the stuff it posts means. Anyway, this virus appears to of been flushed out as far as I can tell. Been playing around with Ubuntu the past couple of days and I\'m quite impressed with it. I\'ve a lot to learn about Linux though, Ubuntu is my first experience of any Linux distro. I\'ve just got to figure out how to set up a firewall. I installed Fire Starter and got it running but I\'m still not quite sure how to configure it properly. There\'s a lot of good guides out there for newbies so I\'m pretty sure I\'ll get all the software and plugins I\'ll need over the next few days. I gave Linux 110GB of my second 160GB HDD I should of gave it the full 160GB as windows will not recognise that drive at all now. The remaining 50GB I can\'t access under Linux because I need to log in to root apparently, not sure what that means but I\'ll figure it out. My first few days of Linux have been positive so far. It\'s a difficult move having spent 20(ish) years with DoS/Windows and like I may of mentioned before, I\'m a gamer not a a programmer or systems guy so I\'ve no real instinct with it. I should of taken a look at Linux years ago but better late than never I guess. Thanks again guys, SJ
  12. Posting using Firefox on my new Ubuntu install I made an Ubuntu live USB and then booted off that, then installed Ubuntu along side windows using my spare drive as the partition. Was a pretty easy process, Ubuntu installed grub automatically and I now have a dual boot system, Vista-Ubuntu. Just downloading security updates atm, once that\'s done I\'ll explore it properly. Pretty happy so far.
  13. Funny you should mention Linux. I was going to write about a Linux distro in my previous post above. I have a second blank HDD I use for FRAPS recordings, I may turn that in to a second boot drive running Linux. I\'m fearful of continuing to use Windows for banking and email after this event. I\'ve been a viewer of the Linux Action Show for almost 2 years now and have been meaning to give Linux a go. Maybe now is as good a time as any to try Linux. I use my PC primarily for gaming so a total crossover is not possible but I could off-load everything other than gaming in to a Linux environment.
  14. Thanks Ydoow. I\'ve already ran MalwareBytes in safe mode and it found the initial Ainslot.A worm virus and deleted it. I had no idea about the virus could actually alter MalwareBytes itself though. Another problem lay in the fact that this virus tries to copy itself to attached devices such as a flash drive, so using a flash drive to run Malwarebytes or even as a boot device may still cause problems. I\'m pretty sure that worm32:Ainslot.A has been eliminated but not before it infected my system with other malware. Ph.exe is a Spyware.Apropos. Ph.exe is a Browser Helper Object. Ph.exe monitors user Internet activity and private information. It sends stolen data to a hacker site. Related files: %Windir%\Downloaded Program Files\load.exe %Windir%\Downloaded Program Files\monpop.exe %Windir%\Downloaded Program Files\pop225.dll %Windir%\Downloaded Program Files\pophook4.dll %Windir%\Downloaded Program Files\PopSrv225.exe %Temp%\auto_update_loader.exe %Temp%\install_ct.exe %Temp%\CXtPls.exe %Temp%\ProxyStub.dll %Temp%\WinGenerics.dll %Temp%\ace.dll %Temp%\atla.dll %Temp%\atlw.dll %Temp%\data.bin %Temp%\libexpat.dll %Temp%\ph.exe %Temp%\pm.exe %Temp%\setup.inf %Temp%\uninstaller.exe %Temp%\atl.dll %System%\atmon.exe %System%\intfaxui.exe Adds the value: 'POP' = 'C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\PopSrv225.exe' 'AutoLoaderEnvoloAutoUpdater' = 'auto_update_loader.exe' '[random name]' = 'intfaxui.exe' '[random name]' = 'atmon.exe'
  15. Hi all, have a little problem.... Worm:Win32/Ainslot.A(MSE) Other aliases... TROJ_GEN.UAE171Y (Trend Micro) Trojan.Win32.Swisyn.aedl (Kaspersky) I\'m a bit of an idiot for relying solely on Microsoft Security Essentials to protect my system and this little beast is extremely effective at circumventing MSE. I\'ve done the best I can to quash this little bastard but I\'m not 100% convinced I\'ve been totally successful. I downloaded and ran mbam, which found and removed the virus but something else strange is going on. At start up I notice a a command line window pop up for about a quarter of a second and around 3 commands being executed. This small window flashes up and then closes so fast it\'s not possible to read the commands, I did notice something called PH.EXE in the top left of the window border. I\'m not sure how to proceed now. I know there\'s a lot of extremely intelligent people on these forums, programmers and systems guys etcetera, who know way more than I do about this sort of stuff. I myself know very little, I only use a PC for gaming and other forms of entertainment(not porn, I know you were thinking that.) Any help, tips, advice would be gratefully received guys, Thanks SJ.
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