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Everything posted by Askirkela

  1. Hello. Does anyone know how to differentiate the overview of the KSC from, say, the management building scene? I'm trying to make my plugin appear only in the KSC overview, the trackstation and in flight... I tried with [KSPAddon (KSPAddon.Startup.FlightAndKSC, true)] coupled with a little UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad (this); and some if (HighLogic.LoadedScene.Equals (GameScenes.SPACECENTER) || HighLogic.LoadedScene.Equals (GameScenes.TRACKSTATION) || HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) But it keeps showing up in KSC's building other than editors. I tried to remove the DontDestroyOnLoad(), but once it's gone, it's gone for good... I'm out of ideas, please send help
  2. Hello everyone, I worked on a mod some time ago and don't have the will to continue so if you're interested in my mod, please read The concept behind the mod is simple : allow the user to go over the stock x100 000 time warp. Why? Because long missions (like Eeloo) can be really long, even at max speed. Why just changing the speed? Because I'm a fan of the "one task, one thing to do it" kind of things. So far, I have 3 arrays of speed which can be changed by clicking on a button. The flaw here is that this mod worked very well in 0.24 but provokes game-crashes since 0.25 and I have no clue about what causes those crashes. If you are interested in debugging and developping this mod, you can find all the files (including the visual studio solution) on Github : https://github.com/Askirkela/KSPCustomWarp Thank you in advance and please keep me aware of the developpement
  3. Ohoh! So that's the tweak... Thanks NathanKell!
  4. Hi everyone, I recently got on a mod development (https://github.com/Askirkela/KSPCustomWarp) and I wanted some advises. My mod is really simple since I just discovered the Unity game engine, but there are some things I can't figure out. The aim of my mod is to change time warp ratios (I know there's many mods that can do that, but I wanted one that JUST do that). So here are my problems : First, I get to change the maximum ratio from x100 000 to x10 000 000. Works fine but when I go from more than x1 000 000 to less than x100 000, my ships sometimes just explode... I have seen in Planet Factory they don't have this problem, but I was not able to figure out how they do (Is there a tweak with the game engine?) Second, I provided a small window with buttons to change ratios. Can you tell me how to get the current button look like it is pressed? Anyway, thank you all!
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