Hi everyone, I recently got on a mod development (https://github.com/Askirkela/KSPCustomWarp) and I wanted some advises. My mod is really simple since I just discovered the Unity game engine, but there are some things I can't figure out. The aim of my mod is to change time warp ratios (I know there's many mods that can do that, but I wanted one that JUST do that). So here are my problems : First, I get to change the maximum ratio from x100 000 to x10 000 000. Works fine but when I go from more than x1 000 000 to less than x100 000, my ships sometimes just explode... I have seen in Planet Factory they don't have this problem, but I was not able to figure out how they do (Is there a tweak with the game engine?) Second, I provided a small window with buttons to change ratios. Can you tell me how to get the current button look like it is pressed? Anyway, thank you all!