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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I totally agree, ghost. 1.0 broke this game in so many ways. VAB hardly functions at all. I'm not a forum dweller, I prefer to play the game, but I'm here tonight to try to find some explanation or work arounds for some of the bugs. I have almost 400 hours into this game and loved it up until 0.9 but unless I find some solutions I've decided I'm quitting the game until they fix all of this mess.
  2. Thanks for the reply claw, although I'm pretty certain that's not the issue. The craft is quite simple, actually. It's a mk1 lander can, with 4 large rockomax x200-16 tanks attached radially. I have a science jr on top with a docking port on top of that. I have a circular under slung battery pack, two stratus v roundeified RCS tanks, landing stRuts outboard, 2 goo cans and miscellaneous other utility fittings such as nose cones, RCS ports, thermometers, etc. the engines are 4 rockomax R55s. So, the only control authority aboard is the lander can and the engine gimbals. The engines are not situated perfectly radially, so maybe that's it? Either way, the thing shouldn't be convulsing and snapping its own back. I'm playing science mode, so I'm not sure if the "SAS abilities" you mention are active in science mode.
  3. I've spent well over a month creating a mission to Duna that will get me all science in one trip. The ship is massive and was constructed in orbit. Surprisingly it's not my massive ship that won't survive this game's buggy code but the simplistic lander. I'm on my last biome on Duna and would like to move on to Ike but appears my mission is over due to some sort of bug. Pretty pissed off atm. My lander begins gyrating violently on my approach, SAS goes nuts trying to correct and the whole ship breaks apart. I can't reproduce this bug, it never happens at the same point in my approach (different altitude, speed, heading, with and without gimbals locked, etc.) but I'd does happen EVERY time. I've gone back several saves, quick saved, exited to desktop...tried everything I can think of. mission is done and I'm done with KSP if I can't resolve this. i'm running full vanilla with no mods, Steam, windows 7 64-bit. Is there any fix for this?
  4. I was referring to my own craft data, but thanks for the useful link. I think you guys answered my question, thanks. I was hoping they would have had this data readily available to the pilot in vanilla.I suppose that the game gives you a pretty map illustration of your orbital information in graphical form as opposed to numerical data, but real life orbital mechanics is virtually impossible without it.
  5. Hi all, there's probably somewhere to click to get this info, but where do I get my orbital ephemeris data, primarily inclination and period, but right ascension of ascending and descending nodes and true anomaly would be nice. i know I can push the little "i" on the right side of the screen to get velocity and altitude, but the other info isn't there.
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