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Everything posted by EnderSpace

  1. Oh thanks , but I wish the team give information about the update every week
  2. Can anyone explain , I think it's fuel for the space plane As revealed by Maxmaps on Squadcast, these parts have now connected to 0.25.
  3. -.- why it is , why life is cruel , why I'm here
  4. Banned Just banned no one dare to ban me next or I will.....ghbffhcwwagilmdklmfymqubqkogxbkolbghvfxae
  5. Banned for having more posts than me
  6. That would be cool with 3D movement it will be awesome i support it keep it up audimrfy
  7. Your right Kerbals don't like salty water what if there is two kinds of water that mean double science salt water and admin water lol
  8. Banned for being ugly unicorn - - - Updated - - - lol , sorry for hurting your feels
  9. YES! I want to swim in the swimming pool
  10. Banned for banning me and you didn't ban me so the ban isn't a ban that why banned also banned for strange profile avatar
  11. The Magic Boulder was amazing but sadly Anley been under the magic boulder spell;.; But now it's removed I wish it's back
  12. Banned cause your Seoul awesome , lol
  13. Then why don't you suggest it , remember as many members supporting a suggestion , the rate of it being added get higher
  14. Lol but I really like the idea , maybe they will add planet with secret atmosphere or gravity so you should send a dog , sheep or kerpig But He will be crushed
  15. We have one animal remember The Kraken But thanks god it's now Extinct
  16. Oh , I'm really confused I really need to learn how to get these pictures and where I see and get
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