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Everything posted by SuperKing

  1. Thanks that worked. Just fyi I wasn't using the dev version on purpose. Someone told me about the mod so I searched for "galileo planet pack download" which took me straight to github where there are installation instructions and a download link. Going back to look now that I know what was wrong, I see I could have gone to "releases" and found the correct version but I've never used github before and the big green "download" button caught my eye first. The instructions on that page don't mention that I shouldn't use the version on that page, nor is there a link to this forum thread with correct links and additional information.
  2. So I'm trying this mod out - I've got a fresh ksp install, follow the instructions, and it gives me "No GPP_Textures folder detected" except, the v20 textures are there in the GPP folder where they belong. The game starts and and I go into a new game with the new solar system, but the "no folder detected" popup stays over top of everything all the time. my gamedata and gpp folders: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B05EkpLMj1ArRFRRektBTjUxNnc https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B05EkpLMj1ArUnNCV1U2TE1mTkE and the result https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B05EkpLMj1ArclBYX2Zxd2J3bms Anyone have a suggestion as to what I'm doing wrong here?
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