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    Curious George
  1. Ever wanted to spawn in your own asteroid in the .24 update? Here it is. (PICTURES COMING SOON! Sorry for any inconvenience.) 1. First, locate your KSP install directory. 2. Navigate to the "GameData" folder. Open it. 3. Create a new folder. Call it what ever you want. 4. Within the folder you have created, make another folder called, "Parts" (without parenthesis), then again, create another folder in the, "Parts" folder called, "Utility" (without parenthesis). 5. Go back to the "GameData" folder, open the "NASAmission" folder, then open the folder called, "Parts" then copy the folder called, "PotatoRoid". 6. Paste the copied folder into your newly created, "Utility" folder. 7. Now, open the, "PotatoRoid" folder in your, "Utility" folder and open the "part.cfg" file. 8. About 13 lines down, where it says, "category" change, "none" to, "Utility". 9. Save the file and start up KSP. 10. Under the, "Utility" tab, there should now be an asteroid.
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