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Posts posted by Malouxe

  1. Your english is just fine :)

    for the IP to use, if you are hosting it outside of Hamachi, google "what is my IP" and the very first listing is your public IP address (how the rest of the world sees your computer). Try having them put that in. Obviously do that on whatever machine the server is hosted on. If you still cannot get him to connect, come back and tell us. Good luck!

    Thanks a lot for your quick answer ! The kerbal community is just awesome ! :)

    I'll try this as soon as possible and i'll give my feedback. :)

  2. Hi there ! 1st message on the forum, i'm a little bit stressed :)

    I've a stupid question : I've downloaded both the client and server packages and tried to host a server... I read the DMPServerSettings file but my friend can't reach the party. I admit I don't really know which address use. I tried with and without hamachi. Can somebody help me ? :(

    (excuse my english if I made mistakes, it's only my 3rd language)

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