Greetings fellow Kerbonauts! I was playing 0.24.2 Career Mode, and I, to complete a contract and get science, decided to go to the Mun. My landing stage had too small of a fuel tank (an FL-T200, with an LV-909), considering that I had tons of science gear aboard. The landing used up about 1/3 of my fuel, and I considered myself screwed. After giving the ship the name "Mun Base A", I started using it to complete contracts (flag and Science). As I did not want to transmit all my science, I eventually quicksaved, and took off in the general direction of Kerbin. (I landed in the Farside Crater). I reverted to quicksave several times to get an optimally fuel-efficient ascent profile. Here is where I goofed. After a not-so-optimal launch, I wanted to revert to quicksave to try again. But no! My brain decides that pressing Quicksave right now was a good idea. I realize my error and attempt to revert to quicksave ASAP. After loading up my botched launch mid-flight, I settled for "attempting to escape the Mun and getting into a Kerbin orbit" . I burned for escape, and when the map showed my Kerbin orbit, I set up a maneuver node to lower my periapsis into the atmosphere. From here on I timewarped, happily watching the node coundown tick. The first indication of trouble came when I slowed down timewarp to grab some "high above Kerbin" science. When I tried to resume my previous rate of warp, the game told me I cannot warp faster than 'x' while below 'x' meters. (I didn't remember the exact values). Woah, so I am THIS close to Kerbin already? I looked at Kerbin in the distance. Nope. I went into Map View, and was shocked. My ship was in a high parabolic tragectory over the Mun and about to crash. I went into "Emergency Landing Mode" in an attempt to save Bill and some science. But alas, the ship crashed, and ~300 science was lost. Poor Bill. Can anyone tell me why my ship goes back into the Mun's SoI, when Map View showed it was escaping? Thanks!