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Everything posted by zinc136

  1. I make KSP and Minecraft Videos. Here's a short video I did recently that describes the events that took place right after I landed on the Mun in my Career mode series.
  2. This sounds like an awesome idea. Sounds really complex as I have no knowledge of any KSP mods, but I have a great computer and have absolutely no problem running kerbal. I may be interested in this if you're still looking for people. Although I might be considered a noob comparatively. I've done quite a bit with my regular kerbal and I think I have a pretty good idea of the mechanics.
  3. I took some clips from my actual Career mode that I have been recording and put them together into this cool little video. Honestly I'm kinda proud of it. Tell me what you think.
  4. As a side note I didn't realize there was an approval system. Sorry if I made multiple submissions.
  5. Hello, my name is zinc. I make kerbal videos and Minecraft videos on youtube. As well as anything else I feel is fun to play. I attend school at the University of Central Florida as a Digital media student. My goal is to learn how to edit and record great video as well as to be able to animate and create special effects. I'm excited to be part of this community and I hope to be active and see some cool stuff. KSP is a great game and I just find doing stuff in it to be extremely cool and rewarding.
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