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Everything posted by evildroid101

  1. I flew a biplane at the mountains and then Ledbarn and Jeb got run over.
  2. So I decided as a way to pass the time I am going to make a series of letters written by Ledbarn Kerman II, who is a custom kerbal I made for my playthrough of the new Career mode. I also have multiple mods installed. Here is letter one: Dear KSP Forums, Today me and Jebediah flew in our biplane to the mountains. Whenever we arrived, I stepped out to collect some samples and reports, as well as plant a flag. But instead of just sitting there while I did this, Jeb forgot the brakes, and began rolling back down. He also ran me over and it hurt. Alot. Thanks JEB. anyway, I continued and figured I'd get Jebediah in a moment as I collected the information and data. Afterwards Jeb collected samples of his location and we called for extraction.
  3. Edgun Kerman lands a direct fall on the ground as his craft explodes behind him. Hell yes.
  4. I just got a buzz but he decided that instead of getting out like a normal kerbal, he would get out on top of the craft and break the nose cone while he was at it.
  5. I like to do this sometimes, and I got to about the top of the "arc" it was on and realized i neglected to give it any chutes. Anyway, I do not know what to do. (I'm in sandbox but i hate to waste all that hard watching I did. hehe)
  6. I most definitely will! And anyway, it appears I'm stuck here for awhile so taht when I quit it makes a bit of a bigger splash eh? heheh!
  7. Everywhere but a pile of rubble my friend! (And maybe the North Pole I've been to.)
  8. I am a foreigner from the planet of Dunalternia, and I fell I should introduce my self! I'm fairly familiar with foruming already so all I should need is a look at the rules pages and I'll be ready to go! Nice to meet you all, I hope we meet in our own travels!
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