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    Curious George

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  1. Sorry, if this has been answered before, i went trough 10 pages of older posts, but got tired of repeating questions & answers about engine shrouds & shrinking parts. Either there's something wrong the new 3.75 -> 2.5m petal adapter, or I'm doing something wrong myself. Every time i decouple the top node, using the top decouple button from right click menu, my CSM gets catapulted at about 5-10m/s and before i manage to turn it around, I'm about 200m+ away. I'd prefer if the ejection force was close to zero, or none at all. I built it this way: CSM is a saved ship with CM as root part. Two 2.5 KW RCS tanks and KW SPS on the bottom. Then petal adapter, it's top node is connected to (probably) SPS top node. SPS's top node isn't visible, but i guess it's there or ti wouldn't snap on it so nicely. Then there is small probe core & bateries on top of the middle node, then small decoupler and LEM (saved as subassembly) on top of that. Tank and engine of TLI stage is under, bolted to the bottom node of petal adapter. Did I do something wrong, or is this some kind of bug? Hopefully it's not intended behaviour... When I incorrectly mounted top node of the petal adapter to the bottom node of SPS, the catapult thing didn't happen, but there was SPS interstage in the way then. I have latest version - 2.6c, deleted previous version before installing this one. Thx for help. BTW you asked for sugestions about this part, I've got one. If it'S possible for you, tie petal opening animation with staging. Staging then would decouple top node and open petals. The bottom decoupler we can add ourselves manually. In my case I'd add probe core & batteries under that decoupler, so i can deorbit the stage (or hit Mun with it).
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