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Posts posted by DanDeg380

  1. First off, I want to thank Frizzank, Tosh, DennyTx, NovaSilisko, Captain Slug and Tiberion for the amazing work on this mod. I'm really enjoying it and the parts look awesome. Really adds to the space program.

    My issue lies within using Real Chutes with these parts. I'm seeing in the VAB and on launch that the parachute system and flotation device is deployed at the beginning. I initially thought that I could open a right-click options menu on the chute system to 'store' them but I cannot access any options without ejecting the cover on the Apollo capsule which houses the docking port. Obviously that would ruin a mission.

    I've included a picture of what this looks like in the VAB. May be worth noting that on reentry the chute system will 'store' itself only to redeploy an instant later. Anyone have a remedy?


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