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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I hear the developers are improving the aerodynamics in the next update
  2. Don't rush him, he is making this mod voluntarily and he deserves a rest. This mod was intended at first to test the 50cal rotating turret and now... it has turned into cluster bombs and seismic bombs...
  3. I crash landed jeb, bill and bob on duna but managed to save em phew...
  4. Actually.. that glitch helped me a bit xD I was doing the saving a kerbal mission then the kerbal sudden lost all his velocity and I quickly rescued him before I hit the atmosphere... saved me some fuel xD
  5. boontze... I am pretty sure there will be no boat parts D: However, you can try skillful's boat parts.
  6. Spanner... Tanks alot xD. But how do you make simple objects like the base of a turret? thx again... D:
  7. Where u got that cockpit???? jk... Please can you tell me how you got that lovely looking cockpit? thx!
  8. Bahamuto.... can you make a short tutorial in how to make a simple turret? :3
  9. Why does he lock throttle does not lock my throttle D: When I run stage. it just resets my throttle to 0.5 aka 50%?
  10. Yes, first place lazor and batteries on your craft then place weapons manager, then set team A or B.... Go out, place in a random spot then set your weapons manager to guard then right click on it again... mess with the gui BUT BUT.... must select lasor as weapon, also MUST set target to "missiles"... hope that helped when an enemy missile is incoming, it will shoot it...
  11. I lost my flight license yesterday.... Dont ask why:sticktongue:
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