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Everything posted by 42dustman

  1. Thanks for info Evanitis. Those are 0.9 planes, yeah. The '10 air intakes per engine' thing is for getting the plane to 30k meters with a 1500m/s speed on air breathing stage, so the craft can get orbital with only ~850 delta-V of closed cycle burn (which is just slightly less than it can achieve without wasting the payload fuel.).
  2. I haven't updated to 1.0 yet because I'm afraid those spaceplane designs wont be able to orbit by themselves anymore. Could someone test them and confirm for me? Spaceplane 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3soSlW5noXxaG9NSlNLSDNjUnM/view?usp=sharing Spaceplane 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3soSlW5noXxTy0tWXFtS21rd1E/view?usp=sharing Spaceplane 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3soSlW5noXxZUlCZ1RrblR5RlU/view?usp=sharing Spaceplane 4 (activate RCS at end of runaway to get nose pointed upwards and maintain vertical ascent up to ~14.000km, then toggle off RCS to reopen air intakes): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3soSlW5noXxWFE5R0o2cEZzUUU/view?usp=sharing
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