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Everything posted by SasquatchQB

  1. SSEA, or Skotslund Space Exploration Agency, at least for this career. I'm using the Skotslund flag from UAL002's Lorefriendly Serious Parody Flags. In my .24.5 career I used the actual Scottish flag.
  2. That is true - there is a lot more lag. I suppose it's a trade-off - either you can have lots of mods and a slow game, or a fast game and few mods.
  3. I.. I got nothing. This thing is beautiful. Even my computer is weeping in awe. Oh, wait, that's not awe. It's fear. It knows I'll try it at least once. :-P
  4. If you're feeling up to dual-booting with Linux, the 64 bit Linux client is much more stable than the 64 bit Windows client. More info about playing in Linux can be found in these two threads - The Linux Thread and The Other Linux Thread. It made a huge difference on my system with how many mods I can use, and I'm only running with 6GB total of RAM.
  5. Ah, I thought they might have been after looking more closely after I posted. It's hard to make out the cross-section at that angle.
  6. The wiki page for Laythe has speculation (based on surface sample results) that the water remains liquid because of high salt content. Along with the tidal heating, I could believe it.
  7. I had similar issues with an Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 when I first installed 0.25. I had luck with disabling antialiasing in KSP itself and forcing it through the Nvidia utility (I'm running Manjaro 8.10, but I believe the issue with AA isn't limited to one distro or another). sal_vager mentions it in this post on The Linux Thread - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92231-The-Linux-Thread?p=1380988&viewfull=1#post1380988. Edit: I read it the first time, and it still slipped my mind - I blame the late hour. You already said you tried disabling AA.
  8. I say Sept. 19, and not just because of the convenient coincidence. :-D Plus, on that day, if you speak of the Kraken, everyone will figure it fits in, but the KSPers will *know*.
  9. "Ok, sweet, that maneuver went well, gonna hit Minmus beautifully.. now to zoom in and get those good sciencey bits taken care of while I'm still in LKO..." This is when my brain betrays me and forgets that I'm not in the VAB as I press left shift to zoom in. Sometimes, if the engines are quiet enough, I don't notice until I realize that I'm on my way past Eeloo... >.<
  10. I've also found OLEX's Guide and Calculator incredibly useful - http://ksp.olex.biz.
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