(I think this should work. I've been trying to figure out how to post to my "blog." Goddamned interplex.) I've decided to keep a record of my proceedings and work at Kerbal Space Center (Which will be referred to as KSC from here on out, unless referred to otherwise), and I figured, hey, what the hell, I'll put it up on the forums. To be frank, I know absolutely nothing about rocket science. (I did read The Right Stuff, for what it counts.) I do not profess to know anything about rocket science, nor do I intend to. I am confident that any work I do here will be done at great cost and through the vast expenditure of human (Kerbal?) life. I took a semester of Physics freshman year, and that's it. (If you're wondering what grade I got, don't. It was a D+.) I am going to achieve my goals (whatever they may be), come Hell or high water, or some combination of those two. I will not cheat. (At this point, I broke down into sporadic giggling at the notion of not cheating. Now that I've gotten control of myself, I promise that I will not cheat without saying that I did so, or at the bare minimum, implying it. In short, you'll know if I do.) So, I plan to begin my glorious foray (I think I spelled that wrong) into outer space on Saturday. I was going to link that one thing Ronald Reagan read after the Space Shuttle exploded, since there's going to be a lot of that going on. (Explosions, that is. I cannot promise that there will not be any Space Shuttles, but I will do my damnedest to ensure that there will be no Ronald Reagan.) On that note, I will conclude this first entry. God help us all. - Bissotwo, Head Research Person for Kerbal Space Center