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  1. When you see an advert for a popular fast-food chain, and you decide to visit the "Kerbal Food Centre" for some deep-fried chicken snacks.
  2. I had a go at the "tech level one challenge" back in 0.23.5 Career Mode and got as far as Minmus, landed at a few biomes and EVA'd to the others, came back with enough science to unlock all the science parts and enough rocket parts to build a huge asparagus rocket*. I launched the second rocket with an orbiter stage (including science lab and rockomax tank) and lander stage (including all the science parts) and used those to get all the science from all the biomes on Minmus and the Mun, and return it to Kerbin (I spent quite a few hours playing KSP that week) I landed the science lab from the second launch back on Kerbin, which returned enough science points that I completed the tech tree after only two launches (albeit with much F5/F9/revert-ing when I botched things). That was something like my fourth go at career mode in 0.23.5. I don't think it would work in 0.24.2 - I'd probably run out of funds. * - I meant the spacecraft but, come to think about it, "asparagus rocket" could be an interesting salad.
  3. I've been playing KSP for more than a year but didn't try any mods till last week. I've never calculated a deltaV value. I've never bothered to visit any planet that doesn't have an Easter Egg (and I've used the forums to find the Easter Eggs). The first time I returned from orbit, I was laughing so hard at the expression on the pilot's face that I forgot to deploy the parachutes. I swore I'd never use F5/F9/revert again. My willpower lasted slightly less than a week.
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