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Everything posted by magnamonyx

  1. Is this considered clipping? Just kidding, just wanted to give you an idea of the size of this thing. The mission is in full swing and I'll be posting it as soon as I can!
  2. Thread seems a little slow. I'm working on my own mission now, but work is making it slow. I've looked all over and I can't seem to find a good delta-V reference that includes the mission total for getting to Jool and all his moons, probably because it varies so much with gravity assists and aerocapture. I'm trying to ballpark it at around 10,000 m/s for the whole mission (the ship is frighteningly large) plus some smaller values for landers. Am I overestimating or is that about right for a 1,000 ton+ craft?
  3. holy moley that's a jacked computer. how much did all that cost?? what do you do that allows you to afford something like that?
  4. ahahah, i got those references. i haven't heard that song in forever, dang. anyway, last night (technically it was really early this morning...) i did a short mission to the moons of Kerbin while waiting for one of my ships to finish its transfer to Jool. it was just a quick Apollo-style stop-drop-explore-and-pickup mission to visit some places i'd never been before, but one of the lander pilots, a certain Lanny Kerman with the BadS code and maxed-out courage AND stupidity, wanted to have some fun. on the Mun, Lanny wanted to plant the flag in a nice crater... that was 12 km away from the landing site. after spending all his monopropellant getting over there, he had to be picked up by the lander, much to the more moderate Jedner Kerman's discontent. on Minmus, Lanny was bored by the lack of things to do, so while the lander was doing a low sweep less than 2 km over the surface, he hopped out and decided to "surf" over the Minmus highlands, coming within a few meters of the ground and giving everyone on the mission a heart attack before rejoining the lander as it flew over a basin. i'd post pictures, but i'm on my lame work laptop
  5. they're all in a space station in orbit around Kerbin. my intention was to bring them home for my trans-Jool "Borealis" mission, but i've already filled all the crew slots for the mission, and i'm not about to send anyone home; they would be crestfallen! so for the time being Bob, Bill, and Jeb are going to stay in HKO doing paperwork until i need them again.
  6. i'm hoping to attempt my second trip to the Jool system today after work. i can't seem to get the first section of the mothership into orbit using my regular all-purpose lifter, so i'm going to have to design a new one... if all goes well i'll maybe post pictures of the (hopefully) fully-assembled ship later.
  7. you've got a knack for storytelling, sir! "Aliens? In my space program? it's more likely than you think."
  8. today i built my first moon base and intended to set up all the KAS pylons and pipes but i can't seem to get the pylons and pipe couplers out of the storage containers. whether it's a bug or i'm doing something wrong, i don't know. but the moon base is coming along nicely otherwise!! might post pictures when it's done.
  9. thanks guys, the support feels great! i'm sure i've got a lot more to learn but this community should be a great place to share experiences and get help if need be
  10. that moment when you get right up to your space station and are about to dock, but you accidentally miss and bump the station and send it spinning away form you
  11. hello hello, i'm new as a user but i've been lurking here for a while just reading guides and tutorials and the like. i've been playing ksp for about a month now, and in that time i've built two respectable-sized space stations, landed on both of kerbin's moons, staged a rescue mission for one of those landings that didn't go as planned, and am currently starting a base on minmus. as of right now in my real life i have a lot going on so i don't get to play as much as i'd like to and therefore feel like i'm constantly just behind the curve, so any tips about stuff that might not be so obvious to a greenhorn are appreciated! now for questions. mods... i don't know what to think, because i feel like not using mods and just sticking with the stock game makes me seem like a boring loser, and in the end mods are really only meant to enhance the game experience, but i do feel like i'd get a lot more mileage out of the game if i did install some mods, if i wasn't so concerned with accidentally messing something up and borking my game and save files. all that to ask this: what should i know before getting any mods, are mods even really worth it, and what are some of the best mods to get? thanks, and i look forward to flying with you all!
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