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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Currently I've tested "Pilot Assistent" the first time. Works all fine so far. Then I thought about if even airbrakes gets affected automatically by speed/throttle control too. So that not just the engines throttling down if the plane gets close to target speed, but also airbrakes engages automatically, if the speed target gets even exceeded, for example in descending flight. But unfortunately it does not. (or does it somehow ?) I think it would be nice if there also would be an automatic airbrake controll combined to the automatic throttle control. Greetings Martin
  2. Thanks a lot ! I will give it a try. EDIT - Pilot Assistant does the job very well. Thank you again !
  3. e.g. when I hit Pitch and Roll together I got the impression the roll force is much to low (somehow Roll gets canceld out by the Pitch). What do you think about this ? Greetings Martin
  4. Is there any good "auto throttle" mod for KSP ? I need a mod where I can set a target speed by Shift/Crtl e.g.(or any other selectable keys) instead of just the throttle, and then the engine automatically does it's best to keep this target speed. Any suggestions what mod can do that ? Thanks in advance !
  5. Since 0.25 I'm somehow deeply missing the counterpart of "Structural Wing Type D". With counterpart I mean the particular part where the shorter edge of the triangle could be attached to a fuselage instead of the longer edge. Almost every wing part got such a "counterpart" to attache the wing even flipped, except "Wing Type D". Would be nice to have it someday ! Greetings Martin
  6. "...or when a spacecraft splits into multiple pieces." This may be the problem. I did a flight "B52 & X15 style", splitting into two. Also I quitted the game the hard way, by windows task manager, one time. So I possible need to save my space planes and and space ships, and start a new sandbox game now.
  7. "Allow reverting flights" seems to be ON "Missing crews respawn" also is On Nevertheless jeb, bill, bob and valentina are shown up as "lost" in astronauts building now !?
  8. Hello kerbonauts From time to time somehow I need to kill my crew members when abort a flight, even in sandbox mode. After loading a saved game for example, the option "revert flight" disappears, even in sandbox mode. Deleting the flight in Tracking Station seems to be the only way to abort a flight then. Since sandbox mode seems to be for experimental game play, but also the amount of crew members is not unlimited here as well, I don't think this behavior is approbiate. Why can't I revert a flight at any time without killing my crew members when I'm playing KSP in sandbox mode ? Greetings Martin
  9. Thanks for all proposals. Shifting the camera into the part, covering the "hidden" object, is working well for me. It does even work with the hidden struts inside the wing. Shame on me - I had even used this technique before sometimes, but somehow, I didn't thought about it.
  10. Since 1.0.2 I got a problem with persistently glowing vehicle parts. Currently I updated to 1.0.4 but it's still the same: Once slightly overheated vehicle parts keeps on glowing slightly, no matter what, even after landing... Is this a bug ? Greetings Martin
  11. Is there any trick to select hidden parts (in the construction facilities)? For example - when a strut is attached to a wing part and it's root is neither visible nor selectable afterwards, or - if a landing gear has been offseted into the fuselage this far, that it's no longer selectable in a usual manner. Greetings Martin
  12. In fact my system clock was about 5 minutes late, but readjusting it did not fix the problem for me, unfortunately.
  13. Hi there Since the new site has launched I get a browser warning when I try to access "kerbalspaceprogram.com" telling something like "the certificate of the site is untrusted" and I need to set some odd permissions to access this site every time again when I restart my browser. This only happens in Firefox webbrowser, in IE it's working well, so it's possibly more a browser issue then a problem with the site or it's certification. However I prefer to use FF for webbrowsing but cannot make it, to trust this site by default. I was doing some search about this and there seem to be some issues with the certification source "godaddy" on other browsers too. I did some research on a Firefox Forum too, but still don't find any help by now. Does someone else got this problem and any idea ? Greetings Martin
  14. It's a simulation for me. And as such, aerodynamics and continously improving physics would be the most amazing thing could happen to KSP. The science/economic/career part itself is not as challenging without the technical/physical main aspect of the game and won't even work without it. On the other hand the sandbox mode works fine without any career mode stuff. Gets a bit boring sooner or later, possibly. When the first science update came out I was wondering if it was a suitable support for the game anyway. The contracts and it's challenging missions do much better then the science stuff itself.
  15. ...so I don't need to switch to the VAB to figure out what parts are included in the contracts. It's like it was with the navball. Sometimes it's fun not to know where the manouver node marker hides, sometimes not.
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