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    Curious George
  1. Sorry for the delay, but, no. On my setup, when I start a new game, it begins with the randomized system for some seed (I don't know which). If I immediately hit "Done" then I am simply stuck with that system. In addition, if I hit "Done" right on the KSC screen then the selection window keeps showing back up. I do have a large number of mods installed, which may be affecting the mod. On that note, I removed all mods except for this one and it works as advertised, except that if I hit "Done" without selecting any randomization, the mod window keeps showing up at the KSC screen.
  2. Is there any way to implement a "stock system" option? I would like to have some games with the stock system and some randomized, but, when I try to not select a new system, it randomizes it anyway.
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