Hi, there. Fantastic mod - I'm having so much fun with the new contracts. Really adds a needed layer of challenge and complexity to the contracts system. I'm having some trouble though with the rover waypoint missions. When I accept the contract, I can see the waypoints (in this case, on the Mun) and I'm able to pilot my vessel to the region. I'm then able, in map view, to select a waypoint and see the notification that a given waypoint has bee selected. I do see that the navball updates with a little wheel icon which steers me in the right direction. Once I reach the waypoint, the contract notification widget shows a checkbox next to the waypoint. Neat! So I jump back to map view to select the next waypoint, but find to my dismay, that the waypoints have disappeared from the map. I've read through the other comments in this thread (though not all 67 pages) and it seems that other folks have had problems with the waypoints showing up at all -- my situation seems unique (and I can't find any other examples when I search). I know that you'd like to have logs of the event -- what should I do to capture the data you'd need to help troubleshoot this problem? Or, even better, perhaps you're already aware of the problem and you've got a fix for me :-) Again, great work on this mod and thank you for taking the time to build it and maintain it.