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  1. Okay so I reworked a few things. However I'm was still having the same issue. BUT I did manage to work around it. I took the two normal decouplers off and put a support strut between the orange tank and the structure behind the would be cockpit, then put the decouplers back on. Even though they look like their connected with their magnets it is actually the strut supporting... long as it looks legit I'm happy! I'll throw up some pics when I'm done with this project.
  2. I didn't even think of using the tanks core as the center... that's genius. And if I use I beams they don't attach the two engines, they just seem to fall right through one another on launch.
  3. The Testing Phase. When I decouple the rear, Sr., the back support struts that connect the top engine to the lower break away... as such...I know why it is happening, because it thinks that top engine is part of the fuel cell and "breaks away" when I decouple. So my question is: Is it possible for me to have two dock connection points like I currently do but still make the rest of the ship built around it? Because if I was to just stack those engines then add the fuel cell in later it would only connect to one point (coupler) instead of how I want it. I know I could just do one coupler build around the fuel cell and support strut the back half, but for some reason I think a small part of me would die on the inside if I did that...
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