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Everything posted by oxbowlake

  1. Stuntman Roley Kerbal found some volunteers on Minmus to help him demonstrate his 3.5m/s skills to the universe...
  2. Yep. After doing a search, I found your model and it was the one that inspired me to make an up to date model with an interior, can be driven, up to date .cfg format and so forth etc... I did try yours initially, but maybe due to it being an old format or something, it wasnt quite right with 24.2:
  3. Yesterday I posted these elsewhere on the net, but made an account here today because I figured some people might also be interested. Reliant Robin. A small three wheeled car that was rocket launched on the Top Gear TV show, I was surprised to see that a decent Robin part has never been made. So I did. Pinkie Pie. (From My Little Pony) After making the Reliant Robin, I also wanted to include a bonus in the file. Something uselessly silly with only novelty value. Something pointlessly dumb that serves no proper purpose. It was either this or a grand piano. Disclaimer: Not a "brony". Never watched an episode of MLP. Only barely aware it existed due to other forum posts on the internet. Just learned of Pinkie Pie's name three days ago. More info here: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2ehuma/i_made_a_reliant_robin_command_pod/ https://www.sendspace.com/file/2ml5we ---- Mod note: Fixed the links for you. You need to include the file extension name. ~Claw
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