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Posts posted by pauix

  1. My long-term goal is to pull off a Whackjob-sized SSTO and deliver it to Eeloo or to Moho.

    These are not really my goals, just my (ridiculously hard) criteria for winning KSP:

    - Base and space station on/over every planet and moon (except for Jool)

    - Being able to get to any location without quicksaving

    - (Maybe) Capable of building an ship to travel interstellar distances

    Yeah, most of these are just ridiculously hard, but if you could do them, you've won KSP :D

    Keep in mind I still struggle to get to the Mun

    You can't win KSP until you plant a flag on Kerbol and return safely :D

  2. The weirdest thing that happened to me was when one of my ships started spinning around while I was out planting a flag. Since Gilly's gravity is very small, the ship ended up flying over the horizon, and when I came back to Gilly after attending some other problems the ship had disappeared with Bill and Bob inside, leaving Jeb stranded there with no way to get back. And to top it off, a few launches after that incident Bill and Bob appeared in the Astronaut Complex like nothing happened.

    I had to decouple the return stage of a mun lander and use a flipped over buggy as a ramp to get it into orbit again. It worked like a charm :cool:.

    Hey it was the second ever mission to the mun!

    Second mission and already bringing vehicles to the Mün? I've yet to make an useful land vehicle on Kerbin, let alone send it into space :blush:

  3. My first rescue mission was when I stranded this guy on a low Minmus orbit and had to go pick him up:


    It took a lot of RCS, but I eventually managed to get him to grab a ladder, get into the ship and return to Kerbin safely. Now I only have 4 kerbals waiting to be rescued, one of them on Gilly (who'll be rescued as soon as the launch window opens) and three on Laythe (who'll be rescued as soon as I can find a way to send a boat to pick them up).

  4. Oh? Why thank you!

    I build a robot armed with 20 L5S Subatomic-machine-gun. and point it at the next poster and tell it "shoot that ... thing...."

    You forgot to program your robot, so it does not move towards me. I take the chance and program it... to shoot the next poster. :P

  5. My worst failure was probably thinking that I could aerobrake at Laythe before aerobraking at Jool. Things went wrong pretty fast and now I've got a capsule with 3 kerbals stuck in the middle of Laythe's oceans. The rescue mission is gonna suck :(

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