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Everything posted by 4o66

  1. A day late and a [insert local currency unit here] short, but thanks, for many things: A wonderful tool for managing mods, especially when there was no other viable working solution Open-sourcing said tool, giving me a reason to step out of my comfort zone and take a crack at C# Accepting code changes from me and taking the time to email me back and forth when I had questions Allowing me to step in a provide unofficial releases where I could Your efforts, while unacknowledged, were greatly appreciated by many. Thank you.
  2. Can one or both of you provide a link to your KSPModAdmin_aOS.cfg file? I would like to try and replicate this.
  3. Can you give me an example URL for a mod that is packed this way? I will see if there is some way to detect better which file to use. You're very welcome, thanks for helping us to make KMA better.
  4. When adding KIS (using http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/kerbal-inventory-system-kis) as the mod URL, it pulls the correct mod version. Can you provide and example mod that doesn't pull the version number? (Are you changing the modinfo, updating, or adding a totally new mod?) So after some testing, it turns out KMA gets the version from KIS via the .version file in the mod zip. Curse doesn't have a "version" field for the mod on the page itself, except if the author includes the version in the filename. Let me see if I can come up with a way to reliably parse out the version of the mod. On the plus side, I have figured out how to include the notes in the mod info imported into KMA.
  5. It looks like this is fixed in the current development version ( Until MacTee drops an official release, I have compiled a preview, you can get it here: https://github.com/4o66/KSP-Mod-Admin-aOS/releases/tag/ Disclaimer: this may break your game, computer, set your cat on fire, etc. Backup your game files before testing this preview copy. There was, at one point, a CKAN plugin in the works. Not sure where on the roadmap it is now, but my coding skills are not quite up to that task yet.
  6. The biggest issue with this is that mods themselves do not contain the dependency information in any of the version and info files. The dependency tree in CKAN would be a possible candidate, but it is at best unreliable since there is no mechanism for a mod author to explicitly control their own mod. (Based on my limited understanding of the CKAN database.) A possible fix to this would need adoption from the mod authors themselves using an agreed upon format to document Send me a copy of your KSPModAdmin_aOS.cfg (In the KSP base folder)? I assume you are right-clicking the mod and choosing edit ModInfos? Can you reply with the link of the mod you are trying to add?
  7. I have pull requests up the the main dev repo: Fix for issue #140 (Require a downloads folder to be set before you can download mods) Added support for spacedock.info (Kerbalstuff successor)
  8. It's been so long since I have seen that dialog I forgot about it. I'll are if I can make it less confusing. On Mac you need Mono, do you already have it installed? (The Mono project is mentioned a few pages up.)
  9. Actually this should (and normally DOES) work. You can even shorten the URL down to just the mod number if you want, ex: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/352 The code that handles URLs from kerbalstuff and curse strips them down to the mod ID since that is the minimum needed to identify the mod reliably. Are you clicking the browse button? You should be clicking either the "Add" or "Add & Close" button after pasting the URL. (As shown below.)
  10. KSPModAdmin has an export feature: When exporting, you have two main options: Export with or without mod archives. (Both will allow you to either export all mods, or just a subset.) The export with Archives is useful for situations where not all of your mods are source controlled (they have an update URL.) The exported .modpack file is actually a zip file so you can open it with your favorite archive manager if you want to peak under the hood. (I suggest 7-zip.) Exporting as .txt is useful if you just want a list to print or post on forums, etc. This is possible in theory,but it is not a current feature. Please submit it here: https://github.com/MacTee/KSP-Mod-Admin-aOS/issues (Yes, development has stalled. I plan to help pick this back up once my school and work load lightens up a bit.) To the best of my knowledge, the crafts tab is only for craft files added by mods (and stock), not what you have in saves. Can you tell me what mods (with source urls) so I can try to duplicate the issue? I have never actually tried running under Linux with Mono. Based on the Mono project documentation you should be able to just run mono KSPModAdmin.exe (assuming you run it in the folder that contains KSPModAdmin.exe) Please let me know if that doesn't work, and I'll give it a go.
  11. Expanded launch options is in the enhancement list. I am working on some underlying changes that should happen first.
  12. PM MacTee for a direct link to the official release. (My fork on github has a binary release, but it is not the official package.)
  13. My recommendation: 1. Fork the Dev Branch to your github 2. Clone that repo to your computer. 3. In your repo, 1 issue = 1 branch. 4. When issue fixed, merge that branch 5. Push to origin/master 6. Pull request to upstream/dev. 7. Profit! (Wait, can't: licensed under CC BY-NC-SA) Or if you are lazy like me and have a fork going that you don't want to scrap... Skip step 1 and 2, add upsteam as a remote, and fetch & pull the dev branch in local.
  14. Found an issue with the GitHub integration, but not sure there is anything that can be done. The Active Texture Management Mod has multiple binaries with each release, 2 for x64, and 2 for x86. Since all 4 are under the same tag/release, the current implementation will grab the first binary of the release. Any way we can change this to ask user when multiple binary links are present (and store for future update checks?) Thanks!
  15. Actually, with Git you want to pull now since you are in a branch. You will get any updated code that does not effect what portion you are working on. This way when you are done with your branch, merging back will be less painful. (Always pull just before a branch merge, makes the pull request back to upstream less confusing.)
  16. Looks awesome, please do a pull request against MacTee's project. I would like to see if it lets me merge in from upstream pulls. (If not, I will just merge you in manually.) Works for downloading mods so far. (Only tested against one so far...) Some comments/requests: The reason for the pull request is that you get the credit for the code on GitHub. The source code file KerbalStufHandler.cs is misspelled... (missing an "f") Think I can get you to add version as one of the fields it saves to the config? (Look at Config/KSPConfig.cs and Constants.cs) In KerbalStufHandler.CheckForUpdates(), use modInfo.version as the determining factor, since no api support for Mod date info (yet). A great tool for looking at the config files (and just about every human-readable file) is Notepad++ if you don't already have it. Also: forgot the video was an hour long, but it is quite good. Helped me out since I was moving from a Centralized versioning mindset (SourceSafe/Subversion) and didn't quite get the whole push/pull/branching that Git does.
  17. I would recommend SourceTree instead of the native GitHub client. Are you sure you cloned your fork, and not the upstream master? The GitHub client is a little confusing, espcially for setting up the credentials. (Get SourceTree.) If you are not familiar with git and github, go watch right now. Then download SourceTree, since it lets you see graphical diffs and what is happening way better.My workflow for starting work on an existing Git project that I don't have push access to: Log in to github, and fork the project. Using SourceTree, clone the project via URL. If you feel the need, use a branch per issue. Merge the branch as each issue is resolved. (Using branches makes it easy to discard you edits if you want to try a totally different method.) Commit Often! Use notes EVERY time you do, even if the code is incomplete. This is you log so when you come back after a week or two of absence you can remember what the hell it was you were doing. Once you are stable, push to your fork. From the fork's page on github, generate a pull request. Since you have already downloaded a copy and done work, after you clone the fork, just replace the files with the working copy you have. SourceTree will pick up the changes (seriously, love this app.) I would also encourage you to look at my fork, since it uses (IMHO) a much better parsing method for the websites.
  18. Which version are you working on, 1.4 or 2.0? (Both are on GitHub now, so you can fork and do pull requests.) For parsing the page, take a look at the changes I amde to use HtmlAgilityPack, makes it a lot easier than doing string operations. For KerbalStuff, make sure you query mod info via API, since that will be a lot easier to do than parsing the html page. I assume then? From my end it looks like DDOS is off, but I will see what I can do. If you open a new incognito/privacy mode tab in you browser and go to a CurseForge link do you get a DDOS protection page? Also, what url are you giving it? (I have been testing with TweakScale and DMagic's Orbital Science.)
  19. Nope, the way Cloudflare's DDOS protection works means proxies do nothing (but thanks for the offer!) Basically, in a normal browser you get a simple page that requires javascript and cookies enabled. If javascript is running, you get redirected after a few seconds (the browser calculates the forward link from an obfuscated chunk of given javascript.) Having a good cookie from that page lets you bypass on future visits. Also, the page never finishes loading, so that programmed DDOS attacks spend time waiting for the page to finish, but it never does. To program around it, you need to catch a "connection ended unexpectedly" error, then re-request the page via a stream reader, and parse the stream looking for a signature of the DDOS page. Once you have than, run the javascript and use the given cookie on all further transactions. Unfortunately, I havn't quite figured out how to do all that quite yet (luckily there is at least one person who has, and I am trying to understand their code so I can port it.) tl;dr It can be done, not sure how yet. Good news is that it is back to normal, and I can confirm that is in fact working for CurseForge. Get it here. Since the Anti-DDOS period was relatively short, I will back burner that and try to get updates working in 2.0 (they work in 1.4 since there is no "update" option, just browse and click download again.)
  20. Another day, another set of problems: CurseForge is in DDOS protection mode right now, this means both 1.4 and 2.0 don't work. So now I get to try and figure out how to code around the CloudFlare service. (I have some ideas, lets see if I can get it to work...)
  21. 2.0 is in closed beta, PM MacTee to get a copy. (Supports only CurseForge for now.) 1.4 is no longer being maintained actively by MacTee, I am keeping it alive on GitHub until 2.0 goes live. I have release up to a version, but mod updating is currently broken in both versions. (Curse changed the way their site works, and I am re-writing how KSP-MA finds the info it needs.) https://github.com/4o66/KSP-Mod-Admin/releases will get you my latest (unofficial) build of the 1.x series.
  22. I need to look at CKAN in more depth, but with a plugin, it could be in the future (KSP Mod Admin supports plugins to itself.) By mod packs, do you mean prepackaged, of built with dependencies like CKAN? Ideally, at some point an agreed-upon dependency system can be made, possibly using a file like the one KSP-AVC uses.
  23. Since there are now two versions of KSP Mpd admin, which one are you running? (2.0 Beta or 1.4.0.x?) Please provide an exact version number. Moving forward, I will host binary and source releases for the 1.x version via GitHub here: https://github.com/4o66/KSP-Mod-Admin/releases MacTee has been a bit busy IRL for a bit apparently, but you can track progress on the 2.x version via github as well at https://github.com/MacTee/KSP-Mod-Admin-aOS or if you want my most recent but more buggy fork at https://github.com/4o66/KSP-Mod-Admin-aOS I am going to work on fixing mod updating (CurseForge) in 2.x, then backport it to 1.x
  24. I'll try to take a look at it. Been spending most of my time working on the 2.0 code.
  25. No problem. I love the community as well, quite a bit less toxic than the minecraft community as a whole. Did you get the uncommon download warning or another one?
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