I've been building airplanes for a while now. you can only do so much with the small ones, so I started building larger ones. once I (finally) got them off the ground, I noticed something kinda strange. as I would pitch up (which I do a lot as you could imagine) the plane would roll slightly to one side. the direction of roll is consistent throughout the flight, though if you revert it to launch, it could roll the other direction (which seems strange because it's the same aircraft). additionally, when I leave SAS on and it pitches up, spontaneous lift-roll doesn't seem to happen (nor is it adjusting the roll axis automatically). so my question is, is this a problem with the way I design large airplanes, or is this some error with the [insert technical code sounding thing here]? I can upload some screenshots (I think) if that makes things easier. of note, I have Mods: FAR and Spaceplanes Plus installed also of note: this is my first post, so I'm not being stupid on puropse.