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  1. It-... seriously? Well, that's kinda embarrassing. Yeah, worked. Awesome troubleshooting on my part - the whole time I'd been installing to the wrong folders. Whoo my skills.
  2. Okay, output_log uploaded to dropbox. Hopefully it'll have something useful on it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/558b77nvw0b4oe5/output_log.txt?dl=0
  3. Hey guys, bit of a strange problem. I've been running mechjeb fine for months now, with no issues. I had it running fine on ver 24.2 with a handful of basic mods, then one day *poof*, it just stops recognising the mechjeb mod. I figure it's a conflict with some mod or something, so do a clean install with mechjeb version 2.3.1 on a clean install of KSP 24.2 and... still nothing. No other mods installed, installed as per instructions. No new parts in the parts list in any game mode (new save files), no inkling of the scripts running. I do two full, clean re-installs, cleaning out the KSP install folder fully and using both the latest main release and Dev releases, but still no sign of the mod even being recognised. Even made an attempt where i purposefully ignored the installation instructions and slapped copies of mechjeb all over the folder in random directories, just to see if it would do something. Nada (save for that time it complained about things not being where they're meant to be). I didn't change any computer settings prior to the mod ceasing to work; I just hadn't played KSP for a few weeks. It's a kind of strange one. Any suggestions? (should I post a log? Since I've been deleting the entire directory with each install and there's been no actual errors showing, I don't think it would show much, but I'm an amateur, so dunno).
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