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Everything posted by theguyinthemines

  1. http://imgur.com/7i2rhPj ^ Lol wut?
  2. Hello fellow kerbonauts, When I installed Kerbal Space Program 0.25 for steam, I got numerous bugs like the terrain disappeared, the terrain turned into water, the vab walls and floor was missing, the SPH and VAB parts selection background was messed up, the whole window closed, ect. Anyway, I was wondering how to use the KSP patcher with steam because it is getting so annoying. Thanks.
  3. Mission control: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Jeb: "Bill did it" Bill:"uh, what" Jeb: "He was acting like a total badass and destroyed ksp" Bill:"That may have been you, Jeb" Mission control:"Jeb, you maniac, This is coming out of your wage" Jeb:"Whoops."
  4. I recently updated my Kerbal Space Program to 0.25 on steam and now it keeps closing the window every time I try to go into the Vehicle Assembly Building or Spaceplane Hangar. It's really annoying and i want to know how to fix it, is it a problem with the new update? Please reply as soon as possible because all i wanna do is play some KSP 0.25. please reply your suggestions below. Thanks
  5. EDIT! that link was not right, here it is http://imgur.com/HhzlyyJ Here is a game that i just started work on. There are a few bugs with lighting but that doesn't bother me at the moment. i just need a name! The game will be an open world when it's finished. it will have more than just walking around. this version is 0.01 Pre-Alpha
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