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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. On Ubuntu 14 i can't get MechJeb to work. Unzipped it into GameData. Launched program by running KSP.x86. There isn't any MechJeb pod or control item. There isn't any tab on the toolbar. I'm probably missing some simple thing, but can you help a poor noob?
  2. Many great tips here, thanks to all. Especially, thank god for that alt F5 option. That was not on the key bindings cheat sheet i downloaded. I don't have the rep for my posts to go up before checked by a moderator, so i muddled until i got it and didn't check this until now. Yes, i had discarded the previous stage and not pressed the spacebar again to activate the new one. But next time, in consideration of these tips, i'll try to create a tighter, circular obit before activating the autopilot. And eventually i'll try it myself, after watching MechJeb a few times. I really find watching it go through a near ideal execution of something is helpful in learning to do it properly yourself. I think the 1.0 version should really comes with it or something like it. Some of us need time in order to fully nerd out. My batteries have indeed now run dry because i forgot to fold away the landing gear after takeoff and one of the legs is blocking sunlight from reaching the solar panel. Now this is the kind of detail i really find trying. Hereafter i will save named files, and this will not be a big dea, but sheez, there is a lot of stuff you have to figure out by repeatedly screwing up. All the same... KSP is great.
  3. I just try to use MechJeb to get over the parts of the game i'm not interested in learning right now, landing being one of them. So i got my ship in an orbit around the Mun with a periapsis a bit above 26km and an apoapsis of 138, and activated autoland. And it isn't doing anything. It says it is doing a deorbit burn, but it is lying. I've tried closing the game and restarting it, i've tried aborting the autoland and reloading it. I fear the file is corrupted and i am going to have to launch all over again. I am finding the learning curve on this game deeply aggravating. I stick with it because there is nothing else like it for getting an intuitive feel for orbital mechanics. But OH how i would love to have TWO quick save slots.
  4. Sorry for the delay in answering. Finally got a chance to play again, and now it loads properly in the tracking station. Must have been a loading glitch - i'm not used to the game and thought maybe i was in the wrong place. Basically i couldn't click the button where the flight was listed on the left, so i couldn't see what the buttons at the bottom did. @Xannari Ferrows - a workaround, always welcome.
  5. Hiya. Loving the game, but i closed it with a flight in progress and now i can't figure out how to go back to it. I can see it in the tracking station but i can't do anything with it. It is a sandbox mode game. Can i get it back?
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