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Everything posted by Tingjonki

  1. I set my shock wave exponent to 1.05 (only modified value) yet I still get ambient temperature from coming in too fast
  2. I cant connect the IXS command module with anything for some reason (interstellar lite) all other parts work except fro the command module
  3. I have all those mods already Id love to be able to increase the TAC consumption rate by x2 or x3 as it feels too easy to get like 10 years of life support without refueling but Im not sure how I can do that. Id like for manned missions to take actual commitment so there'd be a reason to send probes but TAC consumption rates are just too low EDIT: I looked up BTSM and it looks cool but the no mod compatibility is a deal breaker funds is my limiting factor actually, which is why it'd be nice to be able to convert all my excess science to money so that there'd be an incentive to gather more science I just want an actual reason to gather excess science
  4. since there is apparently no mod that does that automatically...does anyone know how if there's a debug command to subtract science from the player? that way I can add funds for every science I take away yeah I use it with Mission Control II but I still want there to be reasons to use science modules after the tree is done (i use interstellar lite tech tree BTW)
  5. What do you guys do? also Is there a way to exchange science for more funding? that'd be nice and give reasons to still do experiments on other planets after you've completed the tree, which is easy to do with the present ammount of mun/minnus science
  6. Its not automatically overheating its just that they are the first to go every time, my nose cones also seen to go poof at around 1200 m/s in atmosphere on kerbin I just feel these parts should have a heatsheild on them or be better protected from heating
  7. When im in the VAB or SHB I can change the fuel for thermal rockets just fine but when I go launch my vehicle I can only use Liquid fuel and Water anyone else having this problem?
  8. My decouplers blow up at 1000 m/s mid atmosphere going slower than 1000 m/s at 20KM seems like it would just be inefficient with fuel since I use SRB's on my way uup they're literally the only thing to blow up on my ship during ascent and its getting annoying :/ I looked up some information and from what I see IRL from the Spaceshuttles launch decouplers don't burn up easily during ascent EDIT: can someone just tell me how to tweak max temperatures on parts? I have a couple other parts I want to tweak the max temperature on
  9. every time I try and ascend my radial decouplers burn off mid atmosphere any way to fix this?
  10. the new b9 mod is making me crash so much more often, not worth it for what it adds imho
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